Tuesday, June 21, 2005

HRM Update

This thing is tough as nails to figure out. I have most of testing done, now its just a matter of getting it all to work as a unit and uploading it. I purchased the IR unit for USB transfer and that really seems to be the most difficult part. You would think that there would be a wide spectrum of area to upload from but apparently there is a specific area of 15 degrees for optimum transfer.

What I thought would be a simple process has taken two and a half hours and my swim workout away from me. Well I suppose its progress.

I need to take the tests over a period of two weeks, three times per week. That will help establish my caloric expenditure index, pace, resting hr, max hr and submax VO2. Its a journey.

Till tomorrow my friends...


At 5:42 AM, Blogger :) said...

I told ya so...

You'll get the hang of it, just don't give up!

At 5:52 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Hey will you post an info on how to find max HR without using the 220-age equation. My HR is generally 165-170 when I run and my max is 183 by age.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Wow... you are hardcore. You're really going by the book, huh? The minute I saw my heart rate on mine I tossed the book! Damn... where is that book?


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