Monday, June 20, 2005

Another Run In The Can

Its not often that I get to run with someone from work. I ask quite often but the response goes from, "Get the hell outta here ya damn runner, I've got a back workout today!" or, "It's 120 flippin degrees outside, no way, you're nuts!" So I was surprised when I was asked by someone if he run with me today. Of course.

BV was track guy, still very fit but hadn't run in quite a while. So going for a run in 108 degrees and 7% humidity was probably intimidating to him.

We took it easy going out, he talked and I grunted, knowing that my throat would soon be bone dry from sucking super-heated dry air.
After about 10 minutes, he was getting it full blast.
At 15 minutes he thought he may not make it.
At 21 minutes we checked heart rates, Comm:150, BV 170
BV hit the wall,we took at 9 minute break under a bridge where it was probably only 95
At 30 minutes we checked heart rates, Comm: 115, BV 165. We started hitting the hill.
At 38 minutes we finished the course.

It was sorta a sick validation to my training that my bpm was low and I was acclimatized to the heat. I take no pride and in no way wanted BV to go down as a heat casualty. I have put myself into heat stroke, (yes the full on diagnosed, big daddy of heat injuries) and spent a miserable time in the hospital because of it. I would never allow someone around me to become a heat casualty if I could avoid it.

Still...glad it wasn't me sucking it up out there.


At 7:04 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Did you see Rocky XXXIIIVVV or there abouts. The one where he fights the commie pseudo robot in the Soviet Union-Rocky goes to train in the frozen wasteland of whereever- pure enviromental training. I'm going to check back in this winter when it is -20 degrees with 45 below windchill-then I'll know your extreme conditioning :) Because running in 107 is extreme- I don't care if it's dry heat- anything over 100 is hot!! Way to go!

At 5:41 AM, Blogger :) said...

You are a machine if you can keep your heart rate that low in that kind of heat! I am in awe!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Wow - that's pretty impressive, thinking about Badwater anytime soon? ;)


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