Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

So I am reviewing my endurance supplementation, not in relation to daily food intake but hydration, electrolytes and caloric intake on the move. I am fairly up to speed on the latest nutritional supplements on the market and but I need some feedback.

What do you use for your hydration, electrolyte balance and calorie intake on the bike and run and then for recovery? (Other than Gu's and Gel's) Accelerade? PowerBar Recovery? Gatorade Endurance? Solid Foods? Cytomax? Endurox? Optygen?

I need to start experimenting with some new things as my mileage and time go up. Obviously I take a quality multi-vitamin. I use a diluted PowerBar Recovery during and after long training because of my heat injuries. I use organic fig bars on the tail end of long runs in lieu of gels because they have higher calories and the fiber will keep my system from seizing up after the run is over. I just started using Amino Vital on the advice of my friend Joe Umpenhour who is a professional ITU triathlete and think so far its a good product.

Oh, make no mistake I use my far share of bars and gels before, during and after training but I realize I need something with a bit more 'gas' to it other than just dumping a bunch of caffine or adrenial uptake components (like red bulls, taurine, guarana et al).

What say you? What do you use?


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

I like the flavor of Amino Vital! I usually use Gatorade or water because they're both easy to come by around here. I supplement with LOTS of sodium (Succeed caps, usually) during long workouts - most people get far too little sodium to replenish sweat losses and run into trouble (cramping, dizziness) as a result. Especially when they sweat buckets like me. For energy I use Powerbars or Powergels or candy or cookies or whatever they offer me on course. :)

At 6:43 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

I am so glad that I stumbled acrossed your blog. I want to start doing triathlons next spring and summer. I am currently trying to get into shape, just to get into triathlon shape. Any hints or help would be great. I am also here in the phoenix area.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

I really like Accelerade for during workouts and Endurox R4 for post workout recovery. I had some of the latter after the marathon and could walk without too much embarrassment by the end of the next day ;)

I like the power bar bites, as well.

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Mr. Apropos said...

I'm having great success with Hammer Nutrition's Heed and Perpetuem. Both sit very well in my stomach and pack a goodly number of calories _and_ salts. I am a heavy salt sweater and usually top off any of these drinks with a scoop of Endurolytes.

Heed is simply wonderful. It doesn't have the strong after taste of Gatorade and some of the other products I've tried. It also packs 200 calories in a 24oz bottle. A big selling point -- Fuel and hyrdation! w00t!

Perpetuem takes a bottle or two to get used to. The vanilla-orange flavor can seem a bit much at first, but just like Heed, little to no after-taste after it goes down.

I do pass on the Hammer Gel. The flavors are okay, but Gu seems to sit better in my stomach. Gu is also pretty ubiquitous and in most of the larger events, there will be a Gu station. I know my marathon had one and I think Florida will as well. Ummmm, free Gu.

http://www.e-caps.com/ -- look for the Hammer stuff. I don't know about the e-caps pills/supplement. That stuff kind of gives me the willies. I'd rather work on fixing my diet than take a tablet. If you want to try their stuff, drop me an email and I'll send the uber-secret handshake/info number to get 15% off your first order (and they throw in some freebies with that first order).

As you decide to try new things, take a look at what is being offered at the races you know you're going to be in. Gatorade is a big sponsor and usually has their stuff about so it never hurts to train your stomach to handle it even if it isn't your drink of choice. Sometimes you need to take advantage of that stuff.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I second Mr. Apropos in that I always check what's being offered at the race. That being said, I use Gatorade, PowerBars, and water. That's it. Personally, I think water is fine for anything under an hour.

For recovery, I eat a large Thomas' 100% whole wheat bagel (plain), a banana and a small bottle of Gatorade IMMEDIATELY after a workout. Since I've been doing that I never seem to be sore... ever.

For long workouts I eat at least half a PowerBar and/or a banana before training or racing because it teaches my stomach to handle it on race day and it's that much less I have to carry, ie fumble with, while I'm training or racing. Also, there's usually such a long time between when I get up and when I race, I just can't go without food. I've basically taught my stomach to deal with it.

Then I drink one bottle of straight Gatorade during the first half, then a whole PowerBar at the halfway point, then a bottle of 50/50 mixture water/Gatorade for the second half, more water for more heat. My reasoning for more water is that Gatorade (and gels period for that matter) seems so thick when I'm hot, I avoid drinking it until it's too late. So, actually, I get more electrolytes in my system by watering down the Gatorade to a point where I'll actually drink it.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger FTL said...

I'd recommend Cytomax and CarbBoom gels. Endurox has a 'unique' taste that for me was an acquired taste. But probably great for recovery. I recommend http://www.netrition.com for purchasing. Good prices, super fast delivery each time.


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