Sunday, June 26, 2005

Brick w/ Wind

I was falling asleep on my feet at 9 pm last night and wide awake at 0100. So I read some blogs for about an hour, still not getting tired. Boy you guys are motivating. I thought about a 0200 run. Nah, not that awake!

So I went downstairs and watched The Negotiator with Samuel L. Jackson followed by The Perfect Storm, acknowledging that my morning brick was going out the window every minute my eyes stayed open. But, thank the lord TBS plays movies all night. That channels flippin better than HBO, I tell ya. The Mighty Mo got up at 0530 and we watched Shrek while Mistress slept in.

As the morning progressed I realized that I was getting cranky and frustrated and that Mighty Mo was going to take a nap way early, so I gathered my things and took off on a 40 minute ride followed by a 20 minute run.

At first I thought I was in big trouble, I was heading east and my cadence was at 80 but I couldn't get up past 16 mph for the first 4 miles. I attributed it too the long night and decided to make my trip shorter by turning south and making a loop towards home. I make the turn and Whooosh, I am at 19 mph and 107 rpm. Thank the Lord it was only a headwind that I couldn't detect. So I floor it home, even hit 29.5 mph (Oldman and Flatman, I seeeee you) but the bike lane ended and had to slow down.

I park Lucille in the garage and run down to the local high school, do a few laps on their track and head home. I feel much better.

Again, thank the Lord for my slowness on the bike only being a headwind. I was really having some doubts there.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I had tailwinds the other day, but took some Mylanta and they went away.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Nice bike by the way.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

That is a very cool bike, thanks for the offer to sell. "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, 4 hungry children and a crop in the field..." means nothing if your not a John Denver fan-sorry. What does the swing post do for the ride? What would you change to?

At 4:42 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Heh. That reminds me of earlier this season when I was out riding around and struggling to hold 17 MPH which would normally be a very light pace. I was thinking to myself, "Could I really have lost THAT, much fitness over the winter?" I get home and noticed that my rear wheel had been rubbing on one side of my brakes for the entire time. And I had ridden for a good week like that! It's good to know that you're faster than you think you are, though. :)

Nice bike! I've been toying with the idea of getting something new. How do you like your Softride?


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