Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I have had some time to find new triathlete blogs and follow leads from other tri-blogs to where ever they can inevitably lead. What makes tri-blogs so fascinating is that they are bent to the that persons strength. Not neccesarily through what their training program is but how they do it.

For example, Brian at Confessions of a Flabby Ironman has an obvious cycling bent. Rett at White Salamander has a swimming bent. Shelley, racking up a year any pro athlete would envy over at Ironm4n and I lean towards running. Now if you read Wil at throughthewall she stays pretty balanced discussing all three disciplines, though with the marathons shes running shortly its been long miles for her.

All of us follow a training program that revolves around triathlons but the way we approach the training says a lot about us and our strengths. I read about Retts awesome swimming and I am awed. I read about Brian's or Flatman's cycling exploits and I just wish my butt could handle doing all those miles. I read about Shelley finishing Boston and going to Kona and I just shake my head wondering how I could train to be as natually talented as she must be.

The point is, what each of us individually writes about ourselves in our little blog has great impact on everyone else who reads it, at least it does to me. Some make me want to be a better swimmer, some give me hope that I can improve my cycling. Others just flat our motivate me. So all of you keep doing what your doing, as will I, and I will read between the lines of your training to see what your strengths and weaknesses are and learn from your training how to be better than I am.


At 8:13 AM, Blogger :) said...

This is SO true. I am a cyclist at heart, but I have been pounding my running more than ever, so as to get better. If I can get my fata$$ in the pool before June, it will be a miracle. I am not afraid of the water, I am just slow as Christmas!!! I really dread that part of my training, but reading about the "fish" (see Rett and the Kahuna) gives me hope!!!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Way to point this out ... it's funny, but it's like this on a team as well, everyone comes from different backgrounds and has their definite areas of strength.

Kind of neat to think of us as a team, huh?


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