Saturday, April 23, 2005

Whats going on

This has just been a nuts day and I am glad its over. I woke up with my back completely out of wack and could not stand upright very well, and when I did my right shoulder was aligned over my belly button, so I wasn't upright even when upright.

But it's my sons two year birthday tomorrow and we had planned a trip to the zoo with friends so after a dose of advil off we went. Ugh that hurt. Luckily I was able to get an appointment with my chiropactor and after a rub, crack and some e-stim I felt moderately better before I had to make my next appointment which was help a friend buy his first computer and then set it up for him.

It only took three stops to find what worked for him and a quick set up at his place but I was an hour late to my son's birthday party with my parents. I had only had three flapjacks and two bottles of water all day so I inhaled three enchiladas and a big piece of chocolate cake, now my stomach is throwing a fit.

Now my back is still out, haven't stopped moving since 0900 and my stomach is telling me its leaving. Unfortunately no training for the third weekend in a row and I need to wait till after Mondays chiro appointment to make sure this back thing doesn't get worse from road pounding. My plan is my first run back in training on Tuesday morning.

I think all of Wil's Mojo has left me in a state ofBad Juju.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger White Salamander said...

man that is rough. I hope you get feeling better and can get yourself back on track

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

NO - it doesn't work like that! You're supposed to have it all rub off on you, like by association - see?

OK, get some Aleve (I swear by this stuff). Eat something and tell your stomach to deal or the Aleve will do a number on it.

Don't go nuts when you start feeling better, or you'll be right back on your back! Take it easy, OK?


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