Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Single parent capacity

I do not think I have stated on CMS that Mistress broke her ankle a couple weeks ago. This is the reason for the lack of posts. I went from a husband/father just starting to hit his stride with a Mighty Mo, a newborn daughter, balancing his training load, his workload and his wife to having to be the sole adult 'mover' in the house.

I am now completely unbalanced and my capacity to care for everyone is sorely lacking. Way behind the power curve. Every moment from well before sunrise to well past sunset is taking care of both kids and providing for Mistress at home. The damage was such that its not even a walking cast, its non-weight bearing and we have a two story house. So I have to help her up and down the stairs, and shuttle Baby Mae from place to place and take care of all her needs. Luckily Mistress is on the couch with her leg up so for the most part once she is set, I can give Mae to her and she can entertain. She has never broken a bone before and after a weekend on crutches she rented a four wheel deally that looks like a razor scooter and it has a padded cushion knee high for her to put her knee on.

Cooking. Oh god, I have started cooking. Wait. Actually I have started using appliance in the kitchen. No one calls it cooking. I had my first Stouffers Lasagna ever. Did you know you can cook those in the microwave? I didn't. My stomach was not happy the next day. All the food is stuff that can be microwaved or done with minimal work on a stove, like pastas and sauces. I did fish sticks and tots one night. Um. Yeah. The household eating has not been great. Luckily we have eaten at my folks quite a bit.

I have had to do all the housework. We had a really good balance in the past. I will admit I do much more than other husbands so I have only had to increase by 50% not 100% but it finally got to much for even me and Mistress got a maid to do the bathrooms and vaccuming once a week.

Needless to say it has left me physically and emotionally drained. I have asked Mighty Mo for his foregiveness many times for snapping at him for little reason. It is not anyone's fault it is just reality, but it seems like every time I sit I have to get up and get something for Mae, or assist Mistress or work with Mighty Mo.

My capacity is getting better, much like new parents are completely unprepared for the first few months of a new child, eventually the systems work and stress becomes managable.

Thank God for my hot tub.


At 9:57 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I know how caring for 3 can be - tough sledding. It's particularly difficult given your tenuous relationship with appliances. You're a sink or swim guy, though and you always manage to swim.

Hang in there!

At 2:41 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Sorry to hear about Mistress' broken ankle! It's only temporary, though. Glad to hear you've got some help with the cleaning and your parents nearby for some variety in the meals.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

:) be thankful it's temporary.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

Take care of Mistress Comm.
The cooking will come with Practice.
Go to Fresh and Easy.
Tons of ready meade decent meals there, and economical.
Let me know if you guys need anything.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

You are an awesome daddy and husband. You are doing great!! Tell Mistress hi from Illinois.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

I am dedicated to "heating" over "cooking".

Hope Mistress' healing continues apace.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Jaynee said...

man! don't read your blog for a while and your whole world blows up on you!!!

how'd she break the ankle???


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