Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rest, Recovery and Peace of mind.

Exactly one week ago I was given the yellow light for training. Today my morning HR is +8 beats over baseline requiring me to take a mandatory rest day from training. This is expected and a part of my recovery system. I am sure after a day of no exercise and full sleep I can get back to it tomorrow.

This blog is not just about my training. It's as much a life journal as a training journal. Some other issues I am dealing with this week and probably contributed to some elevated HR stress--

No one had heard from a training partner since New Years. This is someone who has no family here and was proactive in communicating with us. I finally drove by his house at 11pm last night and found him home, fine. Admonishments ensued but glad he is okay. I really thought I'd find him face down in the tub.

My grandmother will most likely pass this week. She has had a long life and the last few years have been marred with health issues. My mom is back east to help her family as best she can. She is super strong, I think stronger than I could be if I was in her place. This will be the second family member to pass in as many months.

Mo had a trip to the cardiologist today at Phoenix Childrens hospital. His two other doctors recommended it after seeing some high numbers in recent results. Everything went very well. He is doing great. It was concluded that his genetics and medical condition contributed to the numbers and by looking at a bigger picture he is in good shape with no follow ups needed. At the end of the month he will have his annual sigmoidoscopy to review his colitis. It has worsened over the last year, however the issues of his low immune symptoms (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and the itinerant steroids and antibiotics) has dropped dramatically so we are blessed in that regard.

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At 6:03 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Of course our blogs are more than training logs just as our lives are more than triathlon. They may be close and inexplicably intertwined but it's all about the big picture.

Enjoy your rest day. Rest days help us recover and make us stronger. Glad to hear Mo is doing well. His pics always make me smile.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Remember that the rest is more important than the activity. So rest away. You've earned it!

And thanks for the Mighty Mo update/pic. Seeing him always brings a smile to my face.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger M said...

Mighty Mo and his Dad getting strong together!!! I love that picture!


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