Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Only in Hollywood

When J.Lo did the Malibu triathlon (1500y/18m/4m) sprint in September, I told friends that she would be called an Ironman for doing it. In fact while having a coffee with a Ironman team mate the following week, his wife called to tell us that she heard on the radio that J.Lo had finished an Ironman that weekend.

The Times of the Internet has now implied that very thing by calling J.Lo an ironman celebrity.

I am not trying to be snarky here. Hollywood is just a big 'show off' zone, I have not heard J.Lo over emphasis the distance of the race or her accomplishment and for that I applaud her. As I predicted her accomplishment would draw other celebritys in the sport which is the actual poinit of the Times article.


At 7:31 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Comm... you're an early adopter. You caught onto the Ironman fad much earlier than most and now it's hard for you (and me) to see everyone else jumping on the band-wagon.

Triathlon is over... time to adopt the next cool thing. Once you get your health issues straightened out which I'm sure you will over time, I've got two ideas for you:

1. Multi-Day Stage Mtn Bike races
2. Cyclo-cross

I'm sure Mo would get much more satisfaction from watching you lap after lap on a cyclo-cross course than he would at an Ironman. Plus, cyclo-cross lasts about an hour, if I'm correct. Much less stress on the body than an Ironman and a very high coolness/edgy/j.Lo-will-never-do-this feel to the sport.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Triathlon is over? Who knew!

It's sort of funny that the question at the end of the article is 'what celebrity will be the next ironman' no capitalization. Very funny. Not much of a threat, though. We know better! Heck, even my spell checker knows that ironman should be capitalized.


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