Friday, March 28, 2008

Thank You Cards

Well its pretty much over now, the whole Evotri voting thing and thank god. Tonight is the final night of tabulations. I won't even ask anymore, there is far to much of that if you scroll down.

I am writing and posting this before knowing if I made the top 3 for the second slot available. Regardless of the outcome I want to say my thank you's to everyone for putting up with me through this. I think most of you got my thank you message after the first round and like it or not I will send some sort of closure letter in a few days with the outcome of this round.

If I don't make the team this weekend, I will not be going for the last spot if its a voting contest. Between the last month of vote garnering and an Ironman two weeks away I just can't bring myself to the fight. I will continue to be an advocate for the team in some capacity.
The above statement was written a few day ago in preparation for the end of the voting. What follows is my thoughts after reading a post today.

New Inclusion: I agree with Nancy's post about volunteering and working on the local level and understand her thoughts on this voting process. I want to recognize her for saying something that needs to said from the other side. It is not my personality to sell myself so strongly and because I consider her a close contact, we raced at Ironman Florida together, she got a copy of all my letters. I am sure she got dozens more from others. For as frustrated as she is with the whole solicitation process, I guarantee I was more uncomfortable having to write and send out the messages over the last month. I won't apologize for sending them, I believe in what I did. Had I known earlier I wouldn't have bothered her, of course in hind site I maybe should have known. But she has a good point and if I don't make the team, I have a plan for that too.

But now I'm late, I have to go lead a bunch of school kids on a bike and run. See I am volunteering my Friday afternoons to a school district teaching kids and their parents how to finish a triathlon next month. I said she was right.
Thank you everyone who has participated on my behalf.

Have Fun.



At 3:28 PM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

You do so much already. The world is a better place because you are in it. And I don't just mean the Triathlon World.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I'm glad you addressed it as well as Nancy. Enough of the prom king/queen voting. I don't agree it is a valid process for getting to the best individual for the team. Be proud that you asked your friends for help because you offer so much to all yor friends and kudos to you for not hitting up the local mall for meaningless votes.

I'm on your team.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Joy | Love | Chaos said...

This is why I have respect for you, Comm. And why your decision to put yourself forward for the team doesn't run contrary to Nancy's points on the concept of the team and the voting process. Your application is only part of your approach to the sport -- just another thing you do to reach out to others. You invest your time even when there's no contest running and nobody's watching. Because you love what the three words "swim, bike, and run" can mean to a person. If we could all convert our love of this sport into how we give back, I think we'd have something to be proud of.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

I consider myself lucky to have gotten knocked out early in the first contest because I don't think I could have asked people to vote for me 4 times like you did. Whatever the outcome, I think we've all grown a lot from the experience. I just wish we could have done it without pissing off friends.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger kodiacbear said...

Comm, you are an inspiration to the sport as well as individual values of love, family and giving. Much respect and honor to you for going for it. No Regrets. You should be proud.

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Di said...

Comm, I have to say that I was never irritated by your requests to vote. I voted for you on each request and asked my good friends to do the same. They did.
I WAS completely and wholly put off by Team EvoTri's sadistic torture with their "voting" process. I think it excelled far beyond ridiculous not to mention biased. I am not using the term biased because of who they chose but in how they tallied votes. My emails at work are all the same with each person having a different consecutive #. All of the ladies at my studio watched your original video and all voted. EvoTri then (shortly after) posted that "same email addresses with only a minor change" would not be counted. WTFudge?!?! 5 votes from 5 different people were completely discounted. I know EvoTri will open doors for several people but I am one of many others who do not believe in their methods. At All.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Thanks for sharing your POV, Comm. I hope you know I have the greatest respect for you and your many contributions to the tri community.

I was glad to be included in your request pool. The principal problem was not the individual request, it was the aggregate of many requests from many people.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

dang comms...well, at least you won't have to race under the eye of a dishonorable RD...

Ironman Arizona....focus!

At 4:21 AM, Blogger Taconite Boy said...

I was irritated....soley because it made good podcast material.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

I was happy to get your requests and happy to vote for you, Comm. And happy to ask my friends to vote for you, as well.

I'm sure EvoTri had good intentions, and I was excited for them and for my peeps going out for the team...but there is something that process that just didn't set right with me, too. Hopefully they will consider some of the negative vibes they created and try to improve it in the future.

EvoTri or not - you are a huge inspiration to me, Comm. You have already inspired me to find other ways to give back to my local's people like you, doing what they do, that cause a chain reaction of good in this world. Thank you! Keep it up!!

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

For the record, only confirmed spam, and votes posted from the exact same-named individual were omitted. The voting was as fair and as accurate as we could humanly make it.

We hoped to involve the community as much as we could with the selection process this year since there was such a backlash last year for not. It's a shame there was some resentment. Rest assured there will be no voting whatsoever for the third contest.


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