Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Endurance Sports are the new black

Jennifer Lopez, J-Lo, Diva extraordinaire, whatever you want to call her, she has told People magazine and by extension the entire world that she is going to do a triathlon towards the end of the year. I did a Google on the topic to see some more info, they all quote the same piece. I just love how its put into context, "...getting set to complete a triathlon." The term 'getting set' is so...how do you say...Hollywood.

You can 'get set' to drive to the store. You can 'get set' for a party. You 'can get' set for dinner. People don't 'get set' for triathlons. People train their asses off for triathlons, of any distance.

Me? I say good for her. I got no problem with J-Lo or any other celebrity doing triathlons. The Malibu Triathlon (maybe J-Lo's event, my guess) has a history of celebrity racers.

I admit that a guilty pleasure is following Hollywood gossip. I am not a big J-Lo fan but I have never seen a photo of her exercising for fitness. Not saying she doesn't, but for a person followed by dozens of paparazzi dishing on her life every day, you would think seeing her pop out of a gym or working with a trainer for something other than dance moves would be out there somewhere. I hope she does a triathlon and hope she does well. I doubt she'd ever do one again.

Now about Katie Holmes NOT running the entire NYC marathon. That's something I'd like figured out.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger M said...

I heard about this and laughed. I thought maybe she misunderstood what a triathlon actually was, and believes it to be some sort of fashion show. something tells me J.Lo might have issue with the fact that water, sweat and physical exertion are part of the deal.

oh well, just as long as she doesn't decide to do the Chicago triathlon - that things is already a hot mess.

is it me or does anyone else hear "Jenny From the Block" in the background?

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

I'm sure if "Lo-Jo" does a triathlon, it will be a major media event.

Excuse my while I "get set" to go swim 1800 :-)

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

I just read that too!!! Will be interesting to see :-)

I LOVE my celebrity gossip, that's for sure!

At 6:51 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

Dude....man card revocation necessary - how could you NOT be a fan of J-Lo? Out of Sight. Wedding Planner. Maid in Manhatten. She's hawt, dude. We'll just hold on to this card over at TB'nB for a while....

At 7:57 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Hmmm...had twins, then does a triathlon.

maybe she's been reading my blog.

At 6:39 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I haven't had a pin-up poster on my bedroom wall since high school... but J-Lo doing a triathlon might be my next one. Seriously, she'll probably inspire a lot of overweight out of shape teenage girls to do something healthy. I think it's great.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Stars doing events as publicity stunts seems to taint the whole idea to me-sort of. We are still just ordinary people doing our thing- with extraordinary stories in most cases. That's newsworthy in my book :-)

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

Trimama said, "taint"....


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