Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And a new low is reached....

Yes only an Intrepid Age Grouper could pretty much strike out on every level today.

Let's start with after saying 'Good morning" to his son, said son avoids Intrepid Age Grouper like the plague and refuses to be picked up by said Intrepid Age Grouper later in the day from school.

Then adding to that after a breakfast of yogurt and banana and halfway through the Intrepid Age Groupers second cup of coffee he suddenly finds himself retching uncontrollably in the bathroom for no good reason. (Cue: all symptoms muted but never cured by every cold medicine created)

Then include parents dog (visiting overnight) dragging a ragged paw over Mo's face scaring him, making him cry and leaving some claw marks, reminding Intrepid Age Grouper of his helplessness to protect son from a horrific dog mauling earlier in his life and he contemplates murdering an animal with his bare hands.

Still seeing red and unable to physically abate adrenaline while swirling in a mental vortex of current illness and past fears, Intrepid Age Grouper sets off an IED by saying an offhanded but very hurtful thing to wife who is still consoling crying child in arms and then Intrepid Age Grouper walks out the door.

Traffic sucks and Intrepid Age Grouper's 20 minute commute becomes 45 minutes. All stations play Mirah Carey's new song for 45 minutes straight.

Then finds his new phone sent from carrier to replace current phone has been stolen from receptionist desk.

Intrepid Age Grouper receives scathing, venom filled email from wife and knows he's in deep shit. Contrite apology and supplication follows.

Cue worsening condition of illness and co-workers telling you to go home because, "You look like crap...your all ashy and pale looking...have you lost weight....why are you shaking/shivering like that it's hot as hell in here."

I think the Intrepid Age Grouper is going to pick up his son from school and go buy some jewelry, chocolate, beer and whatever else he can think of to please his wife, some chicken nuggets for his boy and then probably sit on his couch under a blanket staring at his lonely trainer the rest of the day, to sick to start training again.

Oh yeah...Ironman's only 60 days away. No pressure at all to miss another workout.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

It really sounds like you're not doing well, sorry to hear that you're poorly.

I too have been known to lash out when I'm not feeling well - irrationally so.

don't worry about the training. it's far better for you to get well and start back from a healthy place than it is for you to keep dragging yourself under.

I think suffering through mariah carey's song for 45 minutes is against the geneva convention.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Comm's! Sorry to hear the day self-destructed in such a miserable way.

Take it easy, let the illness run its course, and train only when you feel better!

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Sorry your day has gone so badly. Rest up.

I love how you use the term 'Intrepid Age Grouper.' You make it sound like a super hero title, which you are by the way :)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Ouch. Owwww. Oooooo. Ooops.

Way to get that all out of the way in one day!

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Rest, get better, mellow out.

And yes, Virginia, it *IS* only a triathlon. :-) Does it detract from your life or add to it.... ??

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

You're clear on your priorities (they're good ones!) and are working on amends.

Thanks for the straight-up update. Better tomorrows!

At 6:42 PM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Hang in there, my friend. Bad days will come but don't stick around for long... I'm sure of it.

Stay tuned...

At 9:49 PM, Blogger J~Mom said...

Take care and feel better soon!

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Spokane Al said...

Remember what that little red headed girl sang, "the sun will come out tomorrow!"

At 11:07 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

Just remember, brother, Superman had Kryptonite.

At 5:28 AM, Blogger Di said...

Comm - sorry to hear you are feeling so crummy. I totally feel your pain, I'm coming off of some nasty bit of being sick too.
Mariah Carey - ugh! We live in a MC Free Zone. I am amazed your head didn't implode!!
I hope you Feel better soon and family understands when you're not feeling well.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Iron Girl Nyhus said...

Like Stronger said, at least you did it all in one day and tomorrow (or today now) should be better :)


At 11:16 AM, Blogger My Life said...

Wow you've been having it rough lately... hope you are on your way to 200% better!


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