Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It comes wiht th job

This month I have listened a lot. I've sat in offices and listened to people bemoan their position in life or work. I don't mind much as I suppose I have shown to have a bit of a head on my shoulders for explaining or figuring things out.

The crux in all these people is they either take no responsibility for their own actions or are completely self absorbed and have no concept of what has been given them. The bottom line is they have no faith in themselves. They doubt. They fear change. They do not adapt. Trying to put a 2006 square in a 2007 circle or even a June square in a July circle. Many find that responsibility is not necessarily a bigger paycheck but always harder work.

I have to remind these people that talent is not enough in life. Hard work is not enough in life. If it was why do so many hard working and talented people fall so short of fulfilling their dreams?

Luck is a over rated and unreliable.

It makes me think of triathlon in a way. Hard work and talent are tremendous assets, but the moment you lose faith in your ability, or lack consistency in your action; you stop doing the right things in favor of the easy things, you will fall below your ability.

And if in the real world that means that you suffer a pay cut, or get transfered or a new boss usurps your Power Because Of Longevity Soapbox. It happens.

And in the real world it rains on the just and the unjust. Meaning that bad things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. However ultimately if you do the right thing at the right time all the time you will have a richer life, perhaps not defined with the biggest check or fame or notoriety but with the most personal success you can achieve.

And always dream to achieve more.


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Larissa said...

I'm so with you on taking responsibility for your own actions. I work in a law office and over and over we see people who want to blame everyone else for the circumstances of their lives and do nothing to take the reins and do something about it. It makes me crazy.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger :) said...

"And always dream to achieve more."




At 2:42 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

So true. And it is also fair to say that people who take ownership and take the responsibility to add value to their work place are generally rewarded for their efforts financially. You add value and you get valued in return. That's the order it goes in, though - not the other way around. Same in triathlon - you put in the miles and make every mile more valuable (which translates to take less time) and you move up in the standings.

At 6:35 AM, Blogger Spokane Al said...

I believe we have the best chance of success when we realize that we are ultimately responsible for our own destiny. How we view life and handle each day is largely up to us.


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