Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random musings

I have read so many posts the last 24 hours trying to catch up with everyone that I can't write a post today without thinking I just read this. So here is some of my current musings.

1. Why is it that a 8 year old can't use his finger and thumb as a gun on the school playground without being suspended for a week for the 'zero-tolerance' the school has on weapons; but someone trying to clear airport security with wire coils wrapped around an electrical switch with batteries, three tubes and two blocks of hard cheese imitating plastic explosives in their carry on bag only gets detained for a few hours and released to fly?

2. How can the democratic presidential debate held this week, not have a single question asked by moderator or guest about immigration or border enforcement after it was just the biggest single issue of communication between the public and congress, shutting down the senate switchboard for several hours?

3. Michael Vick is a repulsive man. This week, the high paid NFL quarterback has been charged with among other things the killing of eight dogs using brutal methods while running a dog fighting club on his property. My problem is not with the troubled man, he is scum, but does the public really think this type of behavior from super aggressive athletes is all that surprising? The atmosphere of football, from the fans to the players, coaches and money is breed for people to be brutal. Its not easy or simple for players to shut this off once the season is over and their energy has no channel on the field. Thats like saying cops never become cynical. Thats like being surprised when boxers get in fights outside the ring. Thats like a soldier being in combat for six months then expected to decompress on R&R without having to seriously watch what they say or do for the first few days. Vick doesn't deserve a quarter of the conversation he is getting in the press.

4. I just read an article on Pam Anderson on her life in photos. Do you remembers when a big bust in Hollywood didn't include a DUI and a coke seizure at the same time?

5. One more on this presidential debate this week. How can the American public really get any substantive answers from candidates when theres 13 contenders and only 90 minutes? Just ask show of hands to questions? I don't understand when we are trying to find the best candidates that wants to separate from the pack they are asked if 'they are black enough, woman enough or will work for minimum wage if elected.' I'd kinda like to know their positions on things that matter.

6. If I have to hear another politician use the term 'Comprehensive Plan' again to get something done in government, I might throw up.

7. The NBA commissioner David Stern, said that the gambling referee fiasco is the worst situation that has happened to basketball in his forty years of involvement with the organization. Really? You mean when Ron Artest decided to jump into the stands and beat the hell out of rowdy spectator that wasn't worse? Or are you just forgetting the thoery that not long ago it was discovered that there may be more illegitimate bastard babies by NBA players than actual NBA players. Shawn Kemp, unwed, has seven kids by six woman. Just for example.

Well thats a lot to think about during my swim this afternoon.


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

None of them is as messed up as the Tour de France at the moment, sadly....

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i feel like i've been living under a rock.

need to read less blogs.

except of course, this one.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Bold needs to read *more* blogs - then he'd know all this stuff, a bunch of other stuff, and a huge amount of stuff that isn't even true!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

You are en fuego, Comm. Maybe try the decaf. :)

At 2:24 PM, Blogger drbubba said...

Enjoyed the vent, and I second each item.

I'm so cynical now. I'm not sure there is a single clean sport. Winning is too "important."

On the other hand, I don't think behaviors have changed dramatically with time, but we learn of more transgressions because of new media. As a parent I'd like to be able to "screen" role models for the twins, but I'm not sure they won't just tune me out.

Finally, I recently read "The Looming Tower" by Lawrence Wright to help understand the world we are living in. It's not a pretty picture, which I think is why people don't want to know about it. The "just change the channel" mentality prevails, hence sound bites without details.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

1). I couldn't find a single newspaper article to back this story up. It is reported all over the internet on blogs and opinion pieces but not in an actual paper that I can see. It might have happened, though - people have gone nuts with zero tolerance. We live in a fear based culture and it isn't good.

2). You Tube - nuff said

3). see my post today

4). huh? Ambiguous. By 'bust' do mean 'arrest' or do you mean 'woman's chest'. You are, after all, talking about Pam Anderson. I'm confused.

5). agreed! A better question is why are we starting the campaigns 2 years before the election? Despicable waste of money.

6 -yes.

7). Please don't call them bastards unless you are referring to the irresponsible men. It isn't the kids fault - they are innocent and therefore using a derogatory term to describe them is the unkindest blow of all.

It's a crazy mixed up world full of bad stuff. And then there is us and triathlon and all that blogger love. Phew!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I found it - the parents took their suit to the Supreme court who refused to hear the case. Bummer.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

I doubt that a student was expelled....wouldn't happen at my Elem. School. That's what little dudes do-make everything into a weapon. PBJ sandwhich= gun (If eaten to the right shape!)
I guess it's why we TRI to keep things in perspetitve-hmmm? Or block it all out!

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Flo said...

Ah, Comm, it's good to have you back in top form :)

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Tony said...

Comm, lets talk about your "comprehensive plan" to keep things cool here in the valley of the sun. The rain has been nice. See you this weekend.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Di said...

Comm, you said it all.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Dances with Corgis said...

Yeah the Vick thing is pretty horrible. He's such a thug. And Pam Anderson is actually a very intelligent woman.. I used to read a collumn she wrote and it was very good.

Nice musings, Com!

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


here's another question:

isn't it only july 2007? and the next election isn't until nov. 2008? and do we think that maybe - MAYBE - if we waited until 2008 to hold these debates, the numbers might thin themselves out? there should be some sort of law.

that is all.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

Preach on brotha man!!!


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