Monday, June 04, 2007

Zoo tri and a lost walk

The family zoo tri was a mixed success. The tri was bike/boat/train.

Mo loved the bike, sitting up high behind his mommy and daddy and got great views of all the enclosures he normally can not see at his walking height. We cruised through the zoo in about 40 minutes, stopping occasionally. The bike had seven gears and three chain rings. It took me 15 minutes to realize that the front chain ring was permanently set to the smallest ring. Once I reminded myself that the vast majority of users were not regular cyclists, it made perfect sense.

This was Mo's first real time on a 'boat' on a lake or small pond. He had to wear a life vest and he sat on each of our laps while we pedaled around. He had a good time but soon tired of the up/down from our pumping legs and we heading in.

I was really looking forward to the last part of the triathlon, the train. I chose to carry the lion share of the work on the bike and boat, but here I could just sit and drink my diet coke for 30 minutes without having to do anything.

After the 'race' we went to REI for some gear, I had a trail guide book stolen and had to replace it and get some lunches. Yes folks, I fire up the camping gaz stove in my office and try out different dehydrated camping meals as this is faster than going somewhere to eat most of the time and I have to protect myself from impulse eating.

Sunday I was the only one to show up for swimming at the lake and my training wet suit was in tatters from ripping at old glue spots. I don't like to swim alone and certainly not without a wet suit but I got in anyway, Road ID firmly attached in know I drown. As I got to the main bay half a dozen family boats showed up and parked right in my way. As I waited for them to move, more boats arrived and being without the wet suit my confidence dropped and I headed in after just 500 yards.

The second half of the workout was a long hike to La Barge creek which is deep inside a canyon. My stolen guidebook had the map and directions. I found that the trail description has changed and the 1993 trail is now a faint off shoot and the 2007 trail is not listed. After realizing this it made the trip much better. I got to the cliff and in hindsight was the best part and view of this trip. Going into the creek was anti climatic and I worried too much about rattlers to have much fun. But it was nice to be all alone out there.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

The Tri sounds like a fun adbenture but even the most intrepid adbenturer gets pooped out.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I loved those paddle boats when I was younger.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Definitely a good adbenture. The thing about adbentures is that they can't all be great.

Lovely trail picture.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Busy weekend! I am glad Mo enjoyed himself at the zoo! I have yet to quit my open water swim workout due to boats, but I was freaked out with Wes when I was swimming 2 weekends ago, the noise underwater sounds as if the jet skis are right next to you. I made sure I wore a bright colored swim cap.

The hike was an interesting cross-training event... I am assuming this was your first time in that canyon? Sounds pretty cool.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Di said...

who would steal a guide book?!?!?!?!?!?


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