Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Haboob: The picture

Pictures speak louder than dictionary's. Since most of you have never heard of or seen a haboob, I thought I would cull some pictures from online that are good depictions. The top photo looks to be the middle east but the bottom two are from Phoenix.

When monsoon season actually comes to town, which is an considered an actual seasonal change like some regions moving into 'summer' or 'autumn', these can come several times a week or maybe just once or twice a year. During monsoon these haboobs moving at 30-50 mph are followed by terrific thunder and lightening storms and up to two inches of rain within just a couple hours. A complete and utter deluge of water.

Phoenix does not have so much a series of gutters as a network of greenbelts and waterways created to move this massive amount of water to the Salt River. During and after monsoons the possibilities of flash flooding occurring in residential areas is very real.

Last season our block was hit by a microburst, which is a hurricane occurring in the middle of the storm with tornado's very possible. Mistress and Mo had to watch our backyard and neighborhood be torn apart, cactus and trees falling over, roofs being ripped, all without power, while I was sitting in a bar with Jeff ten miles away eating boneless hot wings wondering if I would ever get to see a good storm that season. Didn't rain a drop where we were at. Mistress did call and tell me to stay put since the storm was so bad.

Enough about the weather. I think it pretty cool stuff. Enjoy the photos.



At 9:18 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Thanks for the pix. Zoicks!

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Can you use a snowblower on that?

At 10:03 AM, Blogger momo said...

i thought that looked really interesting until i realized it was phoenix then i thought it looked a whole lot scary.

i remember when i was a kid and it was monsoon season, we'd watch the rain from our carport then get in the car and go get baskin-robbins. i haven't thought about that in ages. they just put in a br by us, i might have to do that with my kids this summer...

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Whoaaaaaa..i've never seen anything like that in my life!!

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

holy freakin' craziness!

At 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Those are some amazing photos!


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