Thursday, April 26, 2007

Burp and Guzzle

So much of Ironman training and endurance training in general, is based on regulation of intake, whether that be with food or fluid. Most times food is fluid! In long distance work, the last thing you want to do is take in too much and have that sloshing around in your stomach. Add to that all the solid / gel /liquid carbohydrate mixtures your putting into your digestive system for calories and that can cause some serious gastro distress.

Once your done with your workout and your stomach's at the point of being empty and slightly upset, and the sweat is clinging to your body and the sun feels hotter without the wind, thats the time you pull out a ice cold soda and chug it down. After a few minutes that resounding burp makes all your stomach problems go away. Then you cool off by chugging a bottle of cold water filling your belly to a satisfying level, knowing that you wanted to do that five mile ago. You knew though you wouldn't have been able to keep going if you had.

But the goings gone. All thats left in the distance done and the distance to your car is the thought of the Burp and Guzzle.


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Wrenched Photography said...

And then follow with a nice Black and Tan. Dont forget about the post excerise fart....oh wait thats Tridummy...

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Andy said...

I have yet to have very serious gastro issues, but I think that is because I am not feeding myself enough during my long races! I am afraid of getting gastro issues, and then I get cramps and nutrient deficient because of it.

I have, however, expierenced the post execerise everything (not all in the same workout, that would just be sick :-)) throughout my short triathlon tenure...


At 12:19 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

And I've always thought it was beer you drink, not a soda. This might explain a couple of things....

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

Now if I could only burp like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds...


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