Monday, March 26, 2007

What have you accomplished... the last five years.

Well for some that would be quite a bit, for others nothing at all. In the middle is Robert Garside who Guinness Book of World Records has officially titled, "The first man to physically run around the world."

I am shaking my head. This guy better get himself a proper book deal and or financial nest egg from this because it doesn't really translate into getting a good job for yourself. I totally understand the living in the van mentality so you can rock climb all summer, or spending $75,000 for climbing Mt. Everest, but five years to do that...and then what.

Its so obtuse.


At 6:01 PM, Blogger White Salamander said...

Agreed. Somebody should have slapped him back into reality a long time ago.

At 4:00 AM, Blogger Phil Essam said...


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