Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back up the bus

A while back I wrote a long post about a good book, 98.6 degrees, the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin. I had cause to go back and read that review today and realized I cut a whole bunch out because it was very lengthy and I still think it is. What I ended up doing is expediting paragraphs into a bland sweeping sentence and using some rye humor, come off as ambivalent about the book.

I really do like this book and it has really made me aware of the fact that in the past I bought gear for emergency's and never used it before the emergency, for example use to have a survival items that I had never used. After reading his book I have put every one to the test and wearing it out. In fact this afternoon at REI, I was replenishing fire starters for my kit when I saw Cody shopping in the store. Never one to fear public humiliation I walked up and asked him if his name was Cody. We ended up having a very nice conversation which was mostly me praising him for the last half of his book with informative discourse on specific items in his kit and how I combined his items and mine to one that works great for me. I did find out that he has an urban survival manual coming out this fall, his description fits right down my alley.

Before that I went to the pool to swim and ran into fellow blogger momo whose team was almost done with the Ragnar Relay and 190 mile running relay. I was so focused on my run that I barely recognized her sitting under a tree, After an hour with her I have already committed myself to work on building a team for next year and Jeff and Big John have already said their game.

Swim was a bust at the pool. They had lifeguard try outs for summer and there was a line waiting for the two lanes available for open swim. Chalk up another day of under training for ironman but I got a big dent into Mistress 'Honey-Do' list that I didn't think I would attempt till after the race.


At 8:16 AM, Blogger Bullet said...

Prior to my triathlon days, I was an avid hiker/explorer. I bought a couple of survival books and poured over them, "just in case." I still find myself wishing I was back in the wild trying to start a fire from a couple of sticks. I'll have to look this book up. Good post.


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