Thursday, January 25, 2007

Common Sense, Man.

In another case of, "Its a common sense proposal', (read: passing laws that abridge personal freedoms regardless of how silly), New Jersey is ready to pass a law against talking on your phone while riding a bicycle.

These common sense proposals are such pap. They come across as 'penalizing universally understood actions of self abuse' but when the law finally gets enacted and then modified by courts, it becomes so wide ranging that it ultimately affects a much wider area of intent.

I am not against all, 'common sense proposals'. In Arizona we have a law called the, "Stupid Driver Law." Its states that if you are stupid enough to drive through a flooded wash zone and get your car stuck, the driver will be liable for all costs associated with the rescue and recovery operation.

In the case of CWB, Cycling While Biking, its such a stupid thing. Look, if your just an average dude/dudette coasting down a wide multi-use path or on a beach cruiser on an open road and someone calls, is it really that bad to answer the phone? I myself, very occasionally and appropriately have pedaled along and spoke to Mistress on the phone while riding. Let me be specific for those sharpshooters in the comment section- I have never done that while on a busy road, only empty ones and I am riding very slowly.

The loss of personal freedoms will not come in some over the top "Patriot Act" type program but in the legislation of small incremental severs of our freedoms.

Do carry your cell phone on you when you ride, its smart. Do use judgment in talking a call and if necessary pull over. But please stand up for your right to take a call the way you want.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger White Salamander said...

I agree. I don't think a specific law is required. Sadly it seems that in we always tend to legislate down to the lowest common denomentaor.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Flo said...

I don't understand why they keep passing these ridiculous laws. They can't enforce the ones already on the books yet they want to add garbage ones like this. If a cyclist is talking on a cell phone and creating a hazard why can't he just be cited under creating a public hazard or something. Almost everywhere has a general law like that.

And you're right. The Patriot Act is not the problem, it's these little laws that whittle away our freedoms one by one.

And yes, I carry my cell when I ride and I have spoken on it while actually moving. Sue me!!!

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Geo said...

Hey if you can ride and cell talk, more power to you man.

Oh you want a screwed up law... get this... in Arkansas this week the state passed a law to get rid of grocery tax. You can get a salad from a salad bar tax free BUT if you take that napkin and fork it's taxable! WHAT the ....

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Vickie said...

They already have the law where you can't use a cell phone while driving, so apparently someone had an agenda they wanted to see fulfilled. Unfortunately, my daughter lives there, so I've heard more than enough about that state.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

I enjoy your no nonsense posts. You are absolutely right about this silly law. People should use their own judgment.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

glad to have left Jersey 25 years ago for good! Almost spilled tuesday trying to stay aero while taking a call from work - what is it about "day off" that people don't understand? cell phones don't like sweat, btw...

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Great post...I totally agree. I don't feel comfortable riding without my cell phone.

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

in pocatello, idaho, it's against the law NOT to smile. swear to god.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

First, Nytro can't be right. There have been tons of sailors who lived in Pocatello while working at the INEL (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory). They never smile while there, it's against Navy regs.

I personally have to laugh every time I see laws like this. Legislating morality is difficult. Legislating away stupidity is impossible.

Of course, let's just remember, they are OUR elected officials.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Ditto the Salamander - nothing bugs me more than the rampant lowest-common-denominator, lets-do-it-for-the-children nonsense that has become rampant in our legislative bodies. My theory is that they can't agree enough to make headway on any of the real problems in the world, so they pass this kind of garbage so their campaign commercials can say they have a tough stance on public safety issues. It breaks my heart that the average guy must be falling for it, because how else are these yahoos still getting elected if those of us who see through the garbage have ceased to vote for them?


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