Friday, November 10, 2006

The Celebrating is over

The week after ironman for the AZTRICLUB is a week of celebration and excitement. The Wednesday after the race is tattoo day which I have already posted about and Thursday is horror movie and Hooters day, the final celebration party so to speak.

After Ironman Arizona John, The Machine, Hardcore and I went to see The Hills Have Eyes, terrible by the way. I was the last to arrive and The Machine was sitting closest to the aisle. As I came in to sit down he said to me, "Hey. Only Ironmen can sit in this row." A perfect dig I admit.

This time John bought my ticket and my concessions, thanks John, and The Machine and his wife, Wendy were already in the theater, front row. As I sat down, I asked if I could sit in this row and he got a big smile on his face. Dig returned six month later. Hardcore showed up a few minutes later telling me it was about time I was able to sit in the same row as him. We all got a laugh out of that since it was obviously unplanned and complemented my statement a few minutes earlier. We watched the movie Saw 3. Its okay, not a big fan of 'torture-gore' flicks but no other horror movies were playing at our theater.

Afterwards we all went to Hooters, the unofficial hangout of the club and a few more people joined us. We had a great time eating wings and drinking pitchers rehashing ironman stories. Heather who is also on the team and did Florida showed up as well and we were able to back up stories about the cold and the wind and the waves. Many toasts were made to our success.

Now the next day, it finally feels like its time to get back to work. Not the work of Ironman but the work of work. My desk is piled high with backlog and my garage is trashed. Lots of lists to check off before Monday.

Have no fear good readers, this Intrepid Age Grouper will continue to regale you with hardcore training and intermost fears, no time off for me. I have another Ironman in just five months, this time on my home turf. The Ironman first timers of AZTRICLUB start their 20 week plans in two weeks and already they have the verbosity of hubris but their doe eyed look betrays the same internal struggles we all went through so many weeks and years ago. I on the other hand think I have created enough base after training for two straight Ironman's that I can work on tweaking my training and maintaining bases while resting as much as possible until possibly New Years.

Oh do not mistake that I am taking off training through New Years. I think Mistress would go nuts and I may commit ritual suicide. I have some interesting things planned that would only be proper if laid them out here for all of you on CMS.

Charlie Mike (Continue the Mission)...


At 11:12 AM, Blogger :) said...

what a great deserved it. now get back to work! ;)

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

I never get invited to these celebrations....Do I have bad breath?

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Glen said...

nice buddy, tryed to make it yesterday but was not able to because of work. Glad to see all the boys were able to join you. See you at training.


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