Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Back from the Hospital

Mighty Mo did mighty well, nary a fuss or grumble, he did better than his ole man. I do not do well in hospitals when I am coherent and in fact I get quite emotional seeing my son get all these procedures done to him.

Of course the doctors found nothing to suggest that he has a blockage in his colon that causes him constipation. He did lose two pounds in bowels movements between yesterday and today, for a forty pound kid that a lot of weight! Now we wait for the biopsy on some of the tissues that were removed to check for ulcerative colitis. That will come out next week.

Mistress is finally done with testing and getting nowhere. She is tired of our son being a human pin cushion one day and treated like an alien abductee the next with little conclusive proof as too the results. Just more tests and more tests and more test.

Going there to the hospital today made me realize that Mo goes to the doctors a lot more than I pay attention too. Partially because nothing is life threatening, partially because I just don't go to appointments, partially because I tend to block out any thing not ironman related the last six month, I think I have been somewhat of an absentee father. Its not a nice thing to realize.

Mistress however is completely happy with the level of attention I give her consciously and subconsciously and not upset in the least with my lack of interactions with the doctors. She understands my personal demons with hospitals and how I can be rather sarcastic and obnoxious to medical staff. I am going to make a perfectly crotchity old man some day to an as yet to be born retirement home nurse.

The doctors felt he would need about 30 minutes to sleep off the anesthesia yet he remained asleep almost 90 minutes. When we were told the hospital bills the room by the half hour and I mentally calculated that each half hour cost roughly the same as a full day at a Las Vegas resort. I said, "Wake his ass up and sign him out. He can sleep on the couch for free."

See. I care for my boy.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I'm still laughing at the last part! He's a trooper.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

A pooped pooper, that can't be any fun. Give the little guy and Mistress a hug from Trimama and the Tribe. Nice race btw! Good to see the leg's in top form. 38 days and counting....

At 5:29 AM, Blogger "Smash" said...

I will be praying for you guys. I am sure this is a tough time seeing that. I feel you though on the absentee father statement. I bet you will be the pain in someone's butt when you get older. I feel for that young nurse that will be changing your diaper.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

man... glad to hear that things are going better... trust me, i understand mo's distress. completely. hope all turns out well with the tests.

by the way, you. are. killing. us! with your messages. currently, we have 9 saves messages on our answering machine. five are yours. we listen to them before we go to bed at night and laugh, and laugh, and laugh!!!! :)

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Steven said...

Your last couple of lines...TOO FUNNY!

That made me actually LOL!

Glad he's such a little stud!


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