Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Daddy and his Mo

For the race tomorrow I decided to bring a little flavor and perhaps deep down a bit of envy to those passing by with a sharpie design on my calf stating, "40 Day's I.M.F.L." Those that understand will appreciate it and cheer me on, those that don't-well won't. In any regard it gives me an alibi if I decide to cool my jets to IM pace.

Mo liked it so much that he had to have a little 'Mo' dot too. He thinks I put his name on my leg since he knows that an 'M' and an 'O' spell 'Mo' and the M-Dot does sort of look like that to a 3 year old. What if this becomes one of those pictures of portent twenty years from now?

This is just a normal going to school look for the Mighty Mo.


At 10:21 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

AWWWWWW that is such a cute idea!! Love it!!

At 5:53 AM, Blogger :) said...

Great picture. Frame it.

(dude, now you are scaring me. we have the same big blue buckets holding the dinosaurs at our place too...)

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Steven said...

Very cool. A chip off the 'ol block!

BTW - the wheels?? Very nice! You are going to make it very tough for Bolder to keep up with you at IM FL and your personal bike challenge!


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