Thursday, July 27, 2006

What is your status?

I think at this point in our racing sessions, and yes people if you have entered an endurance event this year your a racer, you wonder just where your state of fitness is at compared to others.

Sidenote: BTW, old running axiom: Whats the difference between a jogger and a runner? A blank entry form.

In the cold darkness of winter, we all stared out our window watching the sun rise or set and in that magical twillight dreamed and goal set where we would be at the middle or end of our endurance season. We pondered the PR's. We calculated, oh lord we calculated, our goal times for an "A" race. We manifested perfection.

Where are you at?

Dimes to doughnuts you are not happy, its the way of the world. Your not quite where you wanted to be but its where your at in your progress.

I admit that I did not expect to have my shin and ankle problems right now. But I have them. I have seen some training partner's reaching peaks that they never ever expected to hit this year in terms of speed and endurance. I know people that have big goals and yet are sabotaging themselves with social distraction and in some cases laziness.

So what is my status? Obviously I feel a bit behind, but I also have perspective. Even with my leg I am stronger than ever in the water, my cycling volume is higher with my output a bit more efficient and even with a limp I will get 3.5 hours of walking this week. Mentally I still am focused on my Ironman but I still suffer the peaks and valleys of the enormity of it all.

What's your status?


At 12:47 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Funny you ask this because I just entered a race in order to answer that very question. It's a sprint but it should give me a good idea of where I stand for my goal race in September. I feel overwhelmed with life. These last few weeks fell below my expectations but I created an impossible scenario. Where am I now? How far can I go before September? I hope to answer that next weekend.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Andy said...


If I look at my progress from last year, I am actually pretty satisified. With the exception of not training properly (to short of training time) for the Gulf Coast Triathlon in Panama City, I have kept it easy and my first A race is less than 30 days. I am a little nervous, due to the fact I feel that I could have trained a bit better over the summer, and I did not. But that is the past. I just need to shave off 17-18 minutes and I have a good shot of getting first place in my age group, assuming some semi-pro or pro does not enter into the event. After that event, I will be able to asses my real status for the season, as I will have only 1 event left and begin looking towards the nex year's season. I will keep you posted.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Status? I went from calculating times to a 30 day coutdown with one swim under my belt. I went from trying to position myself according to last year's times to not really caring if I can't break an hour on the bike. I went from 3rd in a 10k to mostly trail running because I like the group. I went from wanting to win this triathlon to wanting this triathlon out of the way so I can get back to training for no reason.

Regardless, on race day I know I'll give it everything I've got and that will be enough.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Steven said...

I set out to do 3 things this season:
1 - PR at the Olympic distance. DONE - by 23 minutes.

2 - PR at the 1/2 Iron distance. DONE - by 35 minutes.

3 - PR & go sub-3 at my fall marathon. TBD...but all indiactors are pointing towards success.

I think that's a pretty good year. But next year's goals will include a sub-11 finish at Ironman Canada.

Is it too soon to start freaking out about that?!?!

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Because I have a great coach, I'm right where i'm supposed to training is going great, i'm doing a 1/2 next Sat. we'll see how I do there, then I start training even harder for IMFLA.

I'm happy and content with where my fitness level is right now as well as my performance level!!

Life is good!!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i respect the distance, but I have NO FEAR.

every week, i'm getting stronger, and can go longer.

every week, i can visualize completing the Ironman earlier, and smarter...

when it is wavey, i say thank you waves, you will make me a better swimmer.

when it is windy, i say thank you wind, you will make me a better biker,

when it is hot, i say thank you heat, you will make me a bette runner...

i will have my preparation, meet my opportunity on race day, and see what the day brings.


plus, my bar ends are dressed in black. so, i've got THAT going for me, which is nice.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Dude, my status sucks, but it is sure to change soon. Glad to see that you are taking your injury in stride (no pun intended).

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Still here and still training. One last big base block before the tapering begins. And what a glorious time that will be!

Best of luck with your ailments. It's rough having things that keep you from training mid-season, but I'm glad to see you're not letting it get the best of you.


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