Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Done and Done

Done with the run in the heat, 109 degrees, and it went okay. I ate well and waited so it wouldn't give me any stomach issues. I hydrated well. Nancy reminded me to have proper electrolyte replacement, which I didn't have so I had to run up to Tribe and bum some Endurolytes.

The first half of the run was clockwork. Started at a pace that seemed really slow, then built to a 45-60 second slower pace than normal. At 33 minutes I stopped and fished out three of the tabs and washed them down with three big swigs of water.

I kept going and felt good. The heat was having no part of me today and each additional minute was good acclimitizing training. At 45 minutes I stopped to switch over my iPod playlist and I did half a dry heave. What? Where did that come from? System diagnostic: Sweating? Check. Head feel okay? Check. Stomach/GI distress? No. Hamstring and legs feel okay? Check. So what was that?

I start running again and at 55 minutes I slowed to a walk not becuase I had to but to refill my water and toss the backup plastic bottle in the garbage. I puked. What? What is the contents? Its my endurolytes. But I take these all the time, why would my stomach not process three tabs?

Well whatever was the cause, I felt no different before or after the upheaval. It was just an event. I finished the run and have made some conclusions.

Conclusion One: No heat injury's today.

Conclusion Two: Hamstring felt good.

Conclusion Three: I need to do this exact same run tomorrow with the same circumstances and this time take one less tab at same spot and see what happens. Same results and I will switch to a different sodium/pottasium supplement?


At 6:35 PM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

It's been said nutrition is the fourth event in triathlon. Thanks for showing us an example how to get it nailed down.

Stay tuned...

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Way to keep going despite the "upheaval". You are one focused dude!


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