Saturday, May 13, 2006

When Mistress is away...

Mistress and Mighty Mo are in Seattle for ten days to see friends. So I have the whole house and all 24 hours in the day to myself. I would like to go nuts with some long stuff but I have to maintain a fairly normal week so I am not blown out for the Tempe International Triathlon on the 21st.

I will focus most of my efforts on maintaining my confidence in the swim. Nothing fancy just consistant one mile swims once or twice a day, two or three days next week and one of those out at the lake for at least one more swim with or without the wetsuit. Of course I am still praying for cooler waters so that its a wetsuit legal race in Tempe Town Lake, I'm not stupid I want perfect conditions for me.

But I can get in early workouts, I can get in late workouts, I can go longer in the middle of the day and work late. The world is my oyster. Except...I haven't used our Maytag Neptune washing machines and not sure how to do laundry. I alway sent my laundry out before getting married or it got dry cleaned.

"Just wash darks with darks, and whites with whites and everything on cold. Don't touch the other stuff." Mistress told me.

"What's the other stuff?"

"The. Other. Stuff. Like bleach...."

"I got it. Hey this running sock has black and yellow panels on it, is it a dark or a white? Know what? I am just going to find a laundry and have them do it."

"Don't you dare. Go see your mom and have her do it."

I spoke to Mighty Mo a few times before and after the flight. He was so excited to fly for the first time. Mistress told me he had travellers stopping in their tracks because he was dressed very nattily in his organge polo shirt and blue jeans with his teddy bear tucked under one arm and pulling his toddler sized rolling luggage behind him, with a few dinosaur tails and heads poking out of the top. Looking as if he travelled every week.

And what exactly did I do on my first Friday night of freedom in months? In the afternoon I went to see Poseidon (more drama than action movie, but not bad), I spent an hour in a christian book store and I went home to move into my new bible. I switched from a NIV study to a NLT study for those that care. I cheated and copied all my personal notes and underlinings from the old to new. I know some people who buy a new and different reading bible every year, "To expand learning and not be set in ways." Well you just keep doing that. Me, I write all over the thing so I don't forget I learned something great ten years ago. Its hard enough to try to live a Christian lifestyle without throwing out your notes all the time.

For the next week, can the Intrepid Age Grouper, (Thats me folks) not burn the kitchen? What will he eat? Can the Intrepid Age Grouper master the washing machine that is Neptune ? (I don't know why I linked that, except its a freaking HUGE capacity washer and dryer and cost almost two freaking grand. But she does all the laundry and I know I create a lot of workout laundry, so I didn't even bat an eye and told her I was glad she was happy). What will the Intrepid Age Grouper do with his new found freedom? Succumb to CMS watching what he wants, when he wants OR training for his upcoming races. Will he survive the 1,500 meter open water swim next Sunday and be at the airport by 1pm to pick up his loving wife and son at the airport?

Stay tuned. Even I don't know. But aren't train wrecks fun to watch?


At 4:04 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Commodore, let us know how NLT is diff from NIV. I always enjoy NIV compare to King James or other version. But b/c the translation is diff, it is usually better to have multiple versions of Bible so it might help to understand one passage from reading it in different words. Complicated? Maybe it ain't too hard to just learn Greek and translate it yourself :D.

I never wash the whites with whites and color with color. My laundry, I just dump everything in the washer, regular, cold, large load and let it rip. Never mess my clothing before. I better not jinx it.

If you don't use the oven, u will NOT burn the kitchen :D....

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...


Love, Nancy

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Here's help:

Or do some more websearches. I'm pretty sure that a Y chromosome doesn't prevent you from understanding laundry. Or doing it regularly.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

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At 9:55 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

Comm's (aka Otter) will be just fine. He knows he can swim now so what more is there? What's a little laundry when you've got such great internet resources.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger :) said...

Hmmm...I tried to migrate to a NLT a while ago and still prefer my NIV... I guess it's a personal preference thing.

Have fun on your own!

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I migrated to the NLT a while back. Moving from the NAS version, it was a pleasant change.

I can't believe that you used to have someone else do your laundry. I thought I was the king of laziness, but I never even did that. I'm in awe. :)


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