Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I have finally suffered my first major, MAJOR, mental collapse in triathlon. I think about Ironman and Florida almost minute to minute. Its my Dominant Thought. So I was a little shocked that I suffered an anxiety attack on Sunday. Not about Florida but about the Olympic I have in two weeks.

My limiter is the swim. Put me in a wetsuit and I am pretty sure about getting to where I need to go. Sure I think about drowning but I have built enough base and learned enough tricks that I can mentally soothe myself past any doubts.

Swimsuit only, in open water, not so much confidence. In fact none. In fact terrified.

On May 21st is a big 1500 meter open water swim that may or may not be with wetsuits depending on water temps that morning. I think of nothing else right now. I am devoting the remaining time till then to swim confidence. I am going out to the lake on Thursday and swimming with the club without a wetsuit and with a guide. Yah know...just in case. In fact Big John is bring out his boat to waterski afterwards (something else I have never done) and I am asking him to trail me with it during my swim so in case...yah know...just in case.

Now I know the chances of drowning in a race is almost nil. You just never hear of it. So in the race I am not afraid of drowning and dying but not finishing the swim. Not getting out on my own power.

I am going to start listening to Head-Docs swim visualization tape every night to build up my confidence and get positive affirmation in my head.

Have any of you suffered similiar feelings about the swim and how did you overcome them (if you did) and how did you fair at the swim in the race?


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

When I did my first open water in May 04, I actually thought I was going to ROCK the swim...in my speedo, no lie, I wore a Speedo. It was early May, May 1st in fact and the water was f***in cold. But it was my first Tri and I didn't own a wetsuit yet. 500 meters what's the prob? So I jump in the water with the Machine. Too early... had to tread for 10 minutes before we went off. I was in the front of the pack, another stupid move. Gun went off and I had NO idea what I was doing. I got the Shit kicked outta me, couldn't get a full breath and I thought I was going to die. Seriously, thought that was it. So I stopped, got my bearings, breast stroked for a while, then I saw a life guard guy...I waved him down, hung on his board for a minute and swam again. 16:30 for 500 meters. But I finished. And you will too. I'm doing the race buddy, I'll swim with you. I'm not in it to win ya know.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

respect the distance, but NO FEAR.

seriously, you'll be fine, and you got Andy as a wingman -- you'll be fine.

my only swim thought is 'long and strong'... oh, and i'm gonna crush those swim champs on the bike, and hold them off on the run.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Yes, I understand the anxiety! I've got the Olympic in 12 days also, and I haven't done any open water swims this year. I'm hoping I won't have a recurrence of hyperventilating from the cold and adrenalin, but if it happens I can just breast-stroke for a while and take it easy and then get back to work when I've caught my breath. I'll finish, but it may be slower than I had hoped. It happens!

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Thanks Nancy and Bold. Andy I appreciate the wingman offer.

I didnt mention I don't know how to breast stroke. I broke it out in front of a swim coach last year and he said, "Whats that?" "My breast stroke, I'm tired." "Don't do that, its just wrong."

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I did my first tri last year without even practice swimming in open water. I guess i was lucky. I dont' have sea sick and is very comfy with water. I only feel it is neat that i feel the wave making me bobbing up and down.

I have been swimming for 3-4 times every week since Oct. Back then I couldn't swim 2 laps in freestyle. Right now I can swim 1 km (20 laps) w/ ease.

For me, I just get use to the water by being there a lot.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger jp said...

you're doing the right thing by getting in open water w/o the wetsuit. Its just getting familiar with the feeling that takes some getting used to.

Have faith in your preparation, Comm....you'll be fine.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

My first ever open water swim was in a race. I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I barely finished the swim. Luckily, it was the last race of the season so I had all winter to train and improve.

Seriously, I've swam with you before, without a wetsuit. You will do great. Why is swimming in the open water any different than the pool? Say it outloud. It sounds kind of silly doesn't it. The only problem is water temp, which won't be an issue this time of year in Phx. I have no idea what you are so worried about. You swim well in the pool. It's all mental bro.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Habeela said...

Ok, Comm's we're talking my specialty here. I teach swimming lessons to a group of people who have had near drowning experiences...talk about fears!

Several questions I need you to answer though so feel free to email them to me (or post them here - I'll check back) and I'll give you all the knowledge I can.

What kind of water is the race in (fresh or salt water)? Why are you afraid of drowning? Is it more than just no wetsuit? Is it the waves? Is it that you sink like a rock? Is it just pure swimming ability? Is it a bad experience you've had? Is it something I haven't asked yet? Start with those and we'll go from there.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Find your rhythm...heads up is OK until you quit hyperventilating if you find yourself doing so. Then stretch out and relax and know that there are people in boats/kyaks/surfboards whatever to help you if you need it...but I am sure you WON'T!
Just remember you have prepared for this and will get thru it just fine!

At 5:25 AM, Blogger bari said...

Although I'm generally a stronger swimmer than I am cyclist or runner, I always panic when I think about the swim. I think this is a total normally feeling, as long as you don't let it control you. I've been swum over during a race, I've been stuck in a huge crowd of swimmers with no possibility of moving forward, I've had to deal with a strong undertow, I've been pushed into and almost under the rope, I've swum way off course and I've even gotten seriously dizzy in the middle of an open water swim -- but I've never had to be pulled out of the water. Just keep thinking about moving ahead and keep your stroke smooth and and your breathing relaxed and you'll be fine.

But you already know that :-)

At 5:42 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

I am with you on this one- I manage it by remembering that I am out there to have fun-this allows me to sidestroke any time I'm feeling overwhelmed or just need to catch my breath. It keeps me moving in the right direction, but it is also something I know I can do indefinitely. something about getting my face out of the water for a few seconds helps immensely when I start to panic.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger JC Hyte said...

Now I have to see your, "Don't do that, its just wrong" breaststroke on Thursday. Seriously I've seen you swim your not going to have any problems out there.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

Head Doc has a swim visualization tape???? I've gotta have it. How can I get it??

Iron Benny is right--its all mental. But I'm a mental midget. If it requires toughness, the law nerd in me cannot be trusted to hang tough. Maybe I can get a character transplant from the IMAZ crowd.


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