Monday, May 01, 2006

Rumors to Rest

Let me just state this fact for the record. I purposefully did not participate in a widely popular local triathlon this weekend. Almost the entire team entered this race, the Armed Forces Triathlon at Tempe Town Lake. The rest were vacationing at Rocky Point, Mexico where we were to all entered in the Rocky Point tri until it was cancelled a month ago. They decided to use the rooms anyway and get in some ocean training.

I have many and varied reasons for not doing this race, surfice it to say that no matter how much pressure the Machine put on me, "Hey this lake (Canyon Lake) is for triathletes only" not to mention the dozen e-mails calling me a slacker, to Mark, "Hey Comm I think you like training more than racing" to Hardcore,"Commodore, I am really sore from this race and still recovering from that loooong ironman just three weeks ago...can you get me something to drink?" I am not fazed and stand by my decision. As for Marks comment, I am doing the Tempe International Championship on May 21st and took 2nd place in my division at the Scottsdale Triathlon in March.

I did something really stupid Saturday night. Hardcore and I took our families to a nice Mexican place Saturday night for dinner. When we drove home Mistress asked if we could stop for ice cream. I got a Peanut Buster Parfait, yummy. However, I seemed to have forgot that ice cream absolutely rips my stomach up and I spent the better part of the night and morning not in my bed if you get my drift.

So I showed up late to the race but early enough to see some transitions and everyone finish. Tribe represented really well with their sponsored athlete winning the sprint. Plus they had a huge giveaway and free beer and pop for people. It felt pretty good drinking a beer at 9:30 a.m. and 9:45 and I think another around 10:15. And then another at brunch around 11:30. The life of a recovering triathlete.

Oh I did actually train yesterday. I went for run around 5 pm. Today is the first projected 100 degree day of the year.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

Thanks Ok Comm....I caught crap for only doing the relay.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Beer in the morning reminds me of the Bud Light Series back in the 80s. I don't really think I ever indulged, but many did, and a good time was had by all. (burp!)


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