Thursday, May 18, 2006

Crap I am tired

I thought a week of my family being gone would be good for me. I could train all hours, I could work all hours, relax at home.

Not happening. Oh its all happening but not with the joy in my heart that I thought I would have. The runs this week have been brutal as the heat spiked to over 100 degrees and it takes a few weeks for me to acclimatize to it. My run the other day in 105 was slower than I wanted and I was way overheated. I would run to 180 bpm then sast walk until I was back to the high 150's, low 160's then do it again. I suppose it was a blessing that my foot pod was not sinc'ing with the watch so I have no idea how fast or far I was moving.

Thursday was a 30 minute desert run, again over 100. Coming back I saw to people lying on the ground. Turns out it was Hardcore and The Machine waiting for me since they left for their run ten minutes before I arrived, which was right on time. Thanks guys.

I did the long open swim again and shaved two minutes off, which is pretty cool.

My torn hammy is still fighting me by giving me painful cramping. Had a really big one right at the end of my swim as I tried to catch my footing on some submerged rocks. I need to get this looked at tomorrow and maybe get a massage instead of going to M:i:3 like I want too.

Lately I have been very frustrated with the utter stupidity of drivers. So much so that I have regressed to name calling and road posturing. On the freeway this week, there was a lane closure so obviously one lane merges into another. This stupid lady driving her fashionable SUV merges and then slams on her brakes. As I swerved I noticed she had retrieved her precious eye color junk and continued to apply it.

Also a huge duelly pickup (four tires in back) turns on the road I am driving on directly in front of me when there was no one behind me. I had to slam on my brakes and swerve into the other lane to avoid a collision. Before that some driver pulled on the road and with no traffic except me, decided to cross the other two lanes and drive 25mph in the fast lane which I was going fast in. traffic and you have to move straight to the fastlane?

My whole goal Wednesday night was to get home earlier than 7:30 pm to relax. But Noooooo, I had to spend 45 minutes in a back up on the freeway and when I get to the 'accident', its not an accident, its a tall blond being talked to by a cop, on the opposite freeway. No.Way. I lost almost an hour of my life in the car because people wanted to see if this chick was hot.

I finally popped two tylonel pm Wednesday night so that I could sleep. I got 7.5 hours. That is equal to the previous two nights of sleep combined. I hate taking sleeping pills.

All this precieved stress has at least taking the anxiety away from the International triathlon this weekend.


At 2:01 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I am more worry about not so bright drivers than aggressive ones. Aggressive I can predict...not so bright, I can't.

I suspect ppl with no common sense are the worst drivers on the road.

At 2:53 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

Dealing with traffic? I don't miss it one bit. Yay for public transportation or, better yet, transporting on a bike. My biggest pet peeve is the gawkers too. I mean, come ON!

Yay! Two open swims down! I don't think I said this before but never apologize for your anxiety on an issue. Sometimes you have to plow through it to find out what it really is. That's kind of the point. :)

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Spandex King said...

So, come on!! Was she hot?

Just kidding. Good luck with the Hammey.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

Good TRI'ing this weekend UCMS Commodore. NO FEAR. You're gonna be awesome!

At 6:52 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Um, is there a reason you're doing running workouts in the hottest part of the day instead of the coolest? Just checking - I know you've had problems with heat in the past and it's not a good idea to repeat them!!


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