Thursday, April 06, 2006

Let the Festivities Begin...

Tonight was an informal kick off to Ironman Arizona festivities. I attended a mixer last night at Tribe for three guest speakers and general mingling with other triathletes. Kevin, the owner, did a great job transforming his shop into a party atmosphere complete with raffle prizes and snacks.

The main guest of the evening was Heather Gollnick, three time Ironman winner. Her first win was her 2nd Ironman, 1st as a pro, it was IMMOO. She said it is her favorite course and from my vantage in the room, many people nodded in agreement. I guess the alternate Tri Geek Dreams Florida team (just kidding guys and gals) have much to look forward too.

Heather spoke about having reverence for what makes you tick when your facing the demons on the IM course. She talked about how she was mentally drained at the end of an IM run and how badly her legs hurt but then she saw her daughter on the side of the course, confined to a wheelchair due to Cerebal Palsy cheering her on. She told people to remember why they were there when they were doing it.

Luc Morin, is a pro triathlete, Canadian and a sponsored Valdora rider. He is racing this weekend and gave a talk on nutrition. I wish I could say that I heard it but I was outside talking to two business contacts. I had to do a little work.

The last seminar was a Trigger Point group who has a recognizable product but I was half listening to them and half explaining their lingo to others around me who were asking,
"What's Plantar Fascitis?"
"What's a Psoas?"
"Where is it again?"

Amongst all that was raffle prizes, including a $700 Valdora frame as the big daddy, then all kinds of shirts, hats, socks, Rudy Project shades, racing tires and the like.

I waited in line to met Heather and have her sign an old photo of her I found online with her holding her bike over her head. Sound familiar to some of you? Thats why I chose it. She thought it was sweet that someone actually brought something for her to sign. I also brought my camera and had a picture taken.

The atmosphere was nice and loose. I would say 60% of the crowd was entered in IMAZ. I ran into some old friends I have seen around the Tribe and at races. I made some new friends and potential new aztriclub members. Which BTW you can become a member and not be in Phoenix.

Most surprizing is that some people came to me and introduced themselves to me saying they had seen me or heard my name in the crowd and had heard of me through the store or through Pure Fitness.

My mom once told me that she loved watching me work a crowd. That I was a lot like a politician. Of course my brother remarked, "What is he mom, the Mayor of Simpleton?"

I approve this add.


At 5:24 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Mayor of Simpleton. That's funny! I'll have to remember that!

Yep, I'm one of those people who could never work a crowd. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. So I respect that ability!!

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

What a perfect and work at the same time :-)

At 7:04 AM, Blogger :) said...

G'day, Mayor!

Sounds like a great time! Wish I could have been there...

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Who you callin' an alternate??! :)

Heather is such a great gal. I had the fortunate chance of meeting her those couple of years when she did the race in Wisconsin. A ball of positive energy and just really, really down to earth.

Sounds like you guys had a really fun event!

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

HA! Glad you caught that Chris. Snarky of me ain't it.


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