Monday, April 03, 2006

Smooth As Silk

Well the weather is getting to the point that 'diapers' aka running shorts are replacing most clothes for everyday wear. Its going to be almost 90 degrees today.

That being said I want to write a bit about how to keep the chaffing down to a minimum. I recommend two products, BodyGlide and BlisterShield.

I hate chaffing. Nothing bothers me more in a run than feeling the after effects of constant friction, in my case, along the inside of my upper thighs. The crotch to be specific. I Occassionally I get friction on the inside of my arms if my sleeveless jersey rubs against the skin. know women whom often complain that their bra straps create friction. We are all susceptable to this happening.

BodyGlide is the ubiquitous stick seen pretty much anywhere outdoor products are sold. This product is sanctioned by USAT and also sold at all Ironman and USAT races. I like this product. I have two or three around the house or in my bags incase of emergancy need. Its a fairly thick coating, thicker than deodorant. In my use of the product a couple of swipes and I am chaff free for two or three hours. The drawback if you live in extreme temperatures like say Phoenix, is that if BodyGlide is left in your workout bag, which is left in your car during a hot day, it will melt down. Not exactly what you want to have occur to your clothing.

I prefer BlisterShield in roll-on form. There is also a powdered form for feet or other body parts. It is a specialty product and more difficult to find. I would look at running stores first or online for sure. Now this product uses a different chemical that applys like a slick, teflon feeling. Thats not to say that it 'feels' weird, quite the opposite. I think it feels great, since it creates a frictionless surface that the skin glides across. It is non-staining to clothes as well. The roll on is a liquid quality so it will not melt in the heat, another big plus.

Of the two products I recommend BlisterShield over BodyGlide. Its a better frictionless product and easier to use.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger :) said...

Thanks for the tips!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

I like body glide but always forget it until I need it, except for under my wet suit. good reminder to stick it with my workout stuff.

Love the race pics-and the rant below.


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