Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I have never and would never reccommend gastric bypass surgery to someone regardless of how morbidly obese they become. Our society try's to change years of terrible living in a short period time without paying the necessary sacrifices for those poor decisions. I have seen more people lose weight and keep it off by giving up Common Man Syndrome in exchange for good nutritional changes and effective exercises than those that attempt to use radical surgery or extreme dieting.

Here though is a short but good article on one man's decision to do it and its after effects. Note the final outcome on the volume size of his meals post surgery, he can now eat regular portions again.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Too much bike porn floating around lately. I have got to get a new bike. Only 100.00 bucks to paint a frame? That's pretty cheap. Looks like your bike worked out pretty well with your first place bike split. Nice work on the race. Those are great times and great improvements.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wow... i didn't know that your stomach could stretch out after surgery. very cool story.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

I soooo agree with you. People are just looking for what they think is an easy way out. I lost weight eating healthy and running. And except for having a baby, have kept it off. It is a lifeystyle change. It may take longer, but I truly feel that it is the best thing for you.

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since his stomach has streched to accomidate larger meals, he has eliminated all the benefits of the operation. But now he will still have all the risks and health problems. I'm happy for him, that he was able to make such progress in getting into shape, but it's sad that he wasn't able to make these lifestyle ajustments before undergoing the knife.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Thanks for this post, Comm. I have particularly strong feelings on this one, because as someone in the process of losing 150 pounds, I am sick to death of the first question I get always being "oh, so you got the surgery?" NO!!! I'm doing it right, and it sickens me not just that so many people cop to the surgery, but that the assumption is an overweight person like me couldn't possibly lose it any other way. I'm not a candidate anyway, because I didn't eat my way to this weight, I had a health condition that caused it.

As to the stomach stretching detail: that's the dirty little secret about gastric bypass surgery that's finally getting some press. It only stays small for a little while, to give the patient a jump-start on the weight loss. Over time it returns to its normal size and in the meantime that person has to have learned how to eat appropriate portions or they'll gain it all right back.


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