Saturday, January 14, 2006

PF Chang Expo

I thought this was a great expo. I have been to many expo's and like a (crass analogy to follow), like a little girl, I am led by my base behavior to buy things.

Last year I really wanted to buy a Boston Athletic Association running shirt but only one booth carried them and they didn't have my size. This year I began my wanderings there and luck have it I got one in my size in red. Yeah I know, I have never run Boston and I never will qualify, which is why its easy for me justifying getting it. Plus it doesn't look like a normal cotton participant shirt. Plus red pyschologically means elite and if I can claim I have never run Boston, but I am wearing a red Boston Athletic Association shirt, then subconsciously I still win. What a wicked web we weave...

First an admonishment. Trimama, you don't call a friend AFTER you leave the expo while he is still there waiting for you. Though good timing on the call...which I will explain right now.

Trimama reminded me to look for Jessi Stensland at the GNC booth, which I was standing 10 feet from in a 100,000 square foot civic center. I hung up with Trimama and introduced myself to Jessi and said that we have a mutual friend, the Tri-Geek Kahuna. She replied, "You're the second person to say that today." I asked her if the other person was a VS thong wearing, hot Trimama who leaves friends hanging so they can go to a sister in laws for dinner and Jessi said I described her perfectly.

Jessi and I got a very few minutes to talk about another mutual friend and professional triathlete, Joe Umphenour and how her training is going at Athletes Performance right now. My office is about a 1/2 mile from that world famous training studio so we talked about training around the area, since we have pounded the same pavement. But she is famous and I am not so she had to move along.

I walked down one aisle and a woman thrust a bag in my hand that looked suspiciously like a green and white Krispy Kreme bag. Lo' and behold upon further inspection in the bag was two doughnut holes. So I nibbled on the holes plodding behind what I thought was just a slow moving group down the aisle when another woman thrust a clear plastic cup in my hand with a golden fluid inside. Upon imbibement, it was beer. Ummmm. Beer.

Good Lord, praise God, someone finally had the notion to put two booths next each other that made sense. The Krispy Kreme booth and the Micholob booth were side by side. Hallelujah.

I met John, "The Penguin" Bingham and he was great, he told me they shouldn't have put his booth next to the fudge popcicle booth and when I told him about the doughnut/beer duo down the way, he quickly excused himself to do his own recon.

I stuck around for his seminar that he gave which was really funny. A running comedian. He was talking about all the craziness at the Disney Goofy thing last weekend that he did. I have read his books and try to read all his columns. Try to find some more of his stuff if you can. Great story about how he got into running.

One of my training partners is a contractor working on site at the civic center holding the expo so he came down and we hung out for a bit.

Murphy's Law, my camera will not connect to the pc to download the picture I took of all my stuff. Here is the stuff I bought:
Boston Athletic Assoc coolmax shirt.
Triathlon lisence plate holder.
Triathlon Freak oval decal.
Body Glide.
Swim Bike Run performance socks.
The Stick.

Well no luck on getting the jacuzzi wired up and running so it looks like I am not going to get that great soak after the run. Oh well, can't win them all. At least I got that cool shirt.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like a fun time. Wish I were there!

Kick butt in your race tomorrow!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Mea Culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...

It must be my fuzzy vacation brain. I was thinking I couldn't call from the expo since it was so of course I call from the open convertible driving down the freeway-

I almost bought the red shirt, Trihubby bought "the stick" and I passsed on the "marathongs" because that would bring chaffing to a whole new level.

Did the beer (2x's-someone had to drink underage nephew's sample) but passed on the doughnuts.

In spite of my dopiness, hope to see you today or tomorrow at the race.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

Hey, only a true friend will call you after they (she) ditch you in the expo :)

How does the stick work? Do you use it for stretching??

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

'when I told him about the doughnut/beer duo down the way, he quickly excused himself to do his own recon'

that's vintage Comm!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Oooo! The Stick. I love the stick. In fact, we own 2! Until I can afford a weekly massage therapist appointment, the Stick is my friend. It even helps the husband avoid tension triggered migraines. Worth every penny.


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