Friday, December 02, 2005


I have a positive vision for my life. I focus on what I have and not what is wrong with me or the world around me. I have an affirmation that says, "I bring my own weather with me, " which means I do not get sucked down into someone elses issues, I will do all I can to help my fellow man and have empathy for their situation but at some point that person has to help themselves.

When all you do is focus your attention on your problems all you see is lack and create a negative vision for yourself which is always self fullfilling. Do not focus on past failures or victimizations , focus instead on upcoming challenges and goals. One of the blessings of a vision is that if you can hold onto that vision for five years it will become a reality, the problem is most people can't hold onto a vision for 5 minutes.

The miracle is achieved the moment we shift our attention from what we don't have to what we do have. Shift your thinking from problems to possiblity.

Possiblity instead of impossiblity
Potential instead of impotence
Ability instead of inability
Hope instead of dispair
Addition instead of subtraction
Multiplication instead of division
increase instead of decrease
Harvest instead of famine
Substance instead of superficalality

Life and triathlon training is what you make of it. By shifting your thinking to the positive instead dwelling on the negative you will be successful. Affirmations, prayer, meditation, clipouts from magazines, pictures from races all create an environment of success. You can absolutely brainwash your mind based on your thoughts, make sure they are positive.

One of my many daily affirmations:
I am an Ironman. I have the ability to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and run a marathon. I train with 100% focus and dedication towards November 4, 2006.


At 5:06 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I'm glad you said that. I was starting to think I was the only one who didn't have doubts about finishing. I never considered it positive thinking as I run through countless negative scenarios, like flats and stomach problems, that could happen on race day and I think about how I would deal with them. But I always envision myslef finishing. Sometimes that vision is me crawling across the line... but it's still finishing.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger :) said...

Awesome post...I really needed this kick in the butt.


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Nice post. November 4, 2006: You will be an Ironman. You too Tarheel - and no, you won't be crawling across the line!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Nice timing on this post Commodore. I'm in the middle of typing my post for today and you completely switched my focus. I'll give you props over at Calm before the Storm. Thanks.

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

I love that IMUSA pic you have there.

I was there at LP during that rain storm that lasted all day. See in the distance a person on a bike with red and white on? That's me, I officiated and was told to stick with the lead male runner..which I poured and poured..super sucky day. I really felt for those poor athletes. I also ended up being on the ESPN coverage since I was right behind that male leader for the 26.2 miles..:-)) That was funny!!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

"I bring my own weather with me, "

that was worth the price of admission...


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