Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Years Eve

Everyone wants to have some kind of resolution to commit to on New Years. To be honest I have only kept one in all my years, only one. "I will return my shopping cart to its proper place". I know its a little funny but its harder than you think and how many resolutions have YOU made that you didn't keep. At least I have kept that one for several years.

Instead of resolutions I tend to focus on making each year its own theme. That way instead of being pigeon holed on a specific task like losing weight or getting a new job, I create a theme and let the Lord work through me.

2005 is the Year of Connection. I can honestly say I had no clue that I would start a blog and interact with so many wonderful people through the internet and truly become a well rounded person because of it. I thought only sicko's did that. I would never have guessed that I would assist a bible study in my own company and bring people to the Lord.

2006 is the Year of Breakthrough. This year I know that I entered in half and full Ironmans. My destiny lies through those doors. But what other breakthroughs will I obtain?

How about you? Make 2006 your Year of Breakthrough. It may be in a stalled relationship, it might be with a vice or ceiling at work. The point is that breakthrough is what will propel us to the next level in our lives. Now I believe that I am going to be touching something special by completing an Ironman but it doesn't need to be so selfish. A breakthrough may be to finally save 10% of your paycheck. Or giving 10% to a charity. Or finishing your first 5k, 10k or 1/2 marathon, swimming a mile in open water.

I challenge you to make your 2006 a Year of Breakthrough.


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

I like that!! I like it a lot!! I want this year to be a year of breakthroughs too. I'm going to work hard with my new coach and actually race IMFLA, instead of a goal of just finishing, like i've always done..sounds good to me anyways. Have a fantastic new year Commodore!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

LOL... you're one of THOSE people, eh? The "I'm too busy to return my shopping cart" people? I always give you a dirty look. :P

I'm not much into resolutions either. I set goals throughout the year, but I don't think I've ever made a New Year's Resolution....

Happy New YEAR! See ya soon :)

At 2:03 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

The shopping cart thing has been my only true stance as a good human being. I always return it. I have watched people leave it where is sits when the corral is RIGHT NEXT to their car.
Ahh, yes. On my grave stone please put.

Not a complete asshole. Returned all Shopping carts to their home. Other then asshole.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a great idea! I hate the idea of "New Year's" resolutions because I figure if it's worth doing, it's worth doing when I need to do it, not on Jan 1 just because "it's tradition."

But a theme? I can get into that!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Breakthrough is a great choice.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

Well rounded person? More like a well rounded sickos. ;)

It is great to hear you help out in a bible study. I never envision myself to do the same but you never know what God will put u into...I am just glad he designed me for triathlon...sweet.

I agree completely that each goal for each person is individualize. Not everyone has to do an ironman. In fact, i found ppl are more humble if they accomplish goals that seem small (like saving 10%..get rid of debts)..these are in some cases Ironman challenge for ppl. I know it is for me.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Sixteen Chickens said...

Believe it or not as an undergrad I actually did a study and wrote a paper on people who do or don't return shopping carts. Can't quite remember how it turned out but I think that weather had more to do with the return rate than anything.
I like your year of the breakthrough idea. I will think about it for a while and see how I can incorporate it into my daily life. (I already return all my shopping carts :))

At 9:43 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

I like that! Trihubby and I are going to use part of our vacation to contemplate this upcoming year.


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