Saturday, September 24, 2005

To The Buoy And Beyond

As I left the house for my morning lake swim, I actually considered going upstairs and giving the Mighty Mo a farewell kiss. Some part of me thought that I would not make it if I went to the Buoy. Of course I corrected myself and used a few postive affirmations to put my head on straight but the quick schism in my mental toughness still reminded me of my big triathlon limiter-the open swim.

I met the Green Team at the base of the bridge. Thats my self appointed name for the loose group of guys whose train together. The team colors are green since they are so easy to be seen on the course, not many people wear it. I think I mentioned that the de facto leader of the Green Team is a doctor so he now becomes The Good Doctor for my blog.

The Good Doctor carrys a perma-smile and is a super competitive SOB (SOB in the good sense) and a fast swimmer. He very much reminds me of Tri-Geek Kahuna is manner build and looks. A man who has what I call gravitas, or gravity. He pulls people towards himself with charisma.

As the team did their usual two laps in the lake I busied myself with the new wetsuit and practiced floating and strokes. The stealth suit is amazing. Absolutely zero bind or tightness in the stroke. I doubled my usuall laps but not venturing near the buoy route. I was happy this day to feel like a big fish in a small inlet.

As I hit the inlet point, The Good Doctor had finished well ahead of the group and I could tell he was looking for maybe a third lap. Instead he swam over and after a idle chatting he TOLD ME, we were going to the buoy and back together.

A quarter of the way out I lifted my eyes for a pinpoint and started to have an axiety attack, 'Oh god, its too far away." I trusted myself and kept going. A few minutes later I looked up and could almost touch it. Yes! As I rounded the buoy I made some bad zigs when I shoulda zagged but managed to make back to the inlet point feeling full of confidence knowing that I even swam a bit further than I needed too because of my lack of sighting.

After a few more minutes of chit chat I figured we would head back to the bridge since everyone else had finished swimming. The Good Doctor informed me we were swimming NW to the buoy, then West to the next buoy then all the way back thru the inlet to the bridge.


My sighting was much better and I absolutely did not feel like I was going to drown. Had The Good Doctor not been so selfless I doubt I would have done so well. Every time I looked around he was nearby bobbing or stroking along. Without him I would not have had the courage today to accomplish this big a milestone.

I seriously don't believe I could have done it without the wetsuit which I am so greatful for purchasing.

I kept busy the rest of day by taking the family to the circus and to lunch then going to a Sportmans Warehouse with The Colonel to buy him a new reel for his birthday in a couple of weeks.

A great day.


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Congrats on the milestone! Good to hear that the new wetsuits is treating you well. And try and remember to stay as calm and relaxed as possible while you're out there. The good doc likely took your mind off of your fears of drowning, saving you much needed energy for actually swimming. The more you can channel energy towards swimming and propultion and less towards thinking about whatever else, the better! Congrats on a job well done! You must be thrilled! :)

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

What a great success story! Congratulations on persevering! Woo hoo!!

At 6:40 PM, Blogger :) said...

Awesome man, I am glad you got over that hump!

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

What an awesome job! Cool! There's nothing like the feeling of progress :) Congrats!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Yahoooooooooooo. Nice swim. That has to be a great feeling.

So should I be bringing my wet suit in January?


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