Thursday, August 04, 2005

What's A Guy To Do?

So I am sitting in our managers meeting today, sitting across from my partner whom I share an office with. I grab my green Gatorade bottle and squeeze some water in my mouth and put the bottle back on the table. Now the whole time I am doing this I am looking at my business partner and notice his complete attention focused on the bottle.

As I put the bottle back down, we make eye contact and I smile at him, but instead of smiling back he waves me in to whisper something to me. I figure he wants to mention something about Gatorade or comment on the meeting.

He says to me, "Do you know how many F-ing sports bottles of yours I had to move this morning to get my sh*t done..five." I just about fell down laughing it was so funny. Why you ask? Mistress said the exact same thing, almost verbatim, last night.

I guess I have a dozen or more bottles; one in each running belt I have collected (3), gatorade bottles (4), a bunch for the bike, always keep one in the car, a couple of nalogens, oh yeah I generally use them for liquid around the house so Mighty Mo or the puppy don't spill its contents all over the floor horsing around. So yeah a dozen is about right.

They are in the sink soaking, on the desk or counter airing out. On the floor half full around my desk. I guess I need to work on that huh?


At 7:24 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Heh. I'm convinced that water bottle multiple by themselves during the night when nobody is looking. I have an entire cupboard full of em.

At 4:42 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Wow... I have to search for all mine in CB's bedroom, her playroom, the sandbox, under the sofa... she always like my water bottles over the sippy cups!

At 6:48 AM, Blogger Brett said...

Same problem here. I sometimes think that folks I work with think I like to go to the bathroom a lot just to goof off. :)

At 6:50 AM, Blogger :) said...

My wife has started throwing some of my old bike water bottles out!

The horror...sometimes I go looking for one and it has disappeared!

I don't throw away her shoes...and trust me there are many more shoes in the house than water bottles!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Good point flatman! Same problem here. How many black pairs of shoes does a woman need!?!?! Shouldn't you need like one color each?


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