Tuesday, August 23, 2005

#5. Circulate, Compliment, Correct

Back when I was just a tadpole of an employee at my local health club, my manager instilled in me a Priority System. While it would be boring to explain all of them, I still apply those that I can to my current life.

So today as I walked back to my office, I noticed the 'oh-so-obvious-to-the-trained-eye' stance of a member who was unfamiliar with a machine. A very polite, overweight woman in new workout clothes staring at the name plate of an Adductor (inner thigh) machine. I asked her if she needed any help and she said she wanted to know how to use the machine.

So I asked if she had ever used it, as perhaps a trainer had showed her once and she had forgotten, she said she was new and just signed up yesterday. After thanking her for joining and making sure she was signed up for her first workout (she was, its Saturday), I explained that working the inner thighs for a first workout would not be in her best interest as she would most likely be extremely sore.

I mean come people, I know some of you have tried to macho the inner thigh machine and been humbled into soreness by one set of fifeteen reps using 20 pounds.

So I gently steered her into the Results Center, our functional training area, and introduced her to Mr. Core, how to draw it in and how to use it. Then four sets of bridges (or The Plank) for 15 seconds each. I then found the trainer meeting her on Saturday, introduced them and asked him to show her a few abdominal exercises on the Swiss Ball.

No matter what negatives I have to deal with during the day, and sometimes it feels like all I do is put out fires, I love helping members. To walk around an exercise floor (circulate) talk to people reaching their goals (compliment) and help those that need guidance (correct) I am living proof that people can get paid to do something they love.


At 12:56 PM, Blogger Oldman said...

thats what's missing in a lot of businesses today...customer service. keep up the good work.... total quality management (tqm).

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a nice little story. I needed to hear that today, just to remind me that people like you are really out there.


At 3:42 PM, Blogger :) said...

You are awesome. I need to send a few guys your way for some training! I feel exactly the same way about our clients. Sometimes I hear my co-workers talking to our clients on the phone and I can't believe the attitude they cop. I mean, these people essentially pay our salaries!

Come on!

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

oh man, I remember adductor pain. Although I've always had fairly strong adductors from lots of lunging in fencing I still had some incredible pain after working them for the first time on an adductor machine. phew! Remind me not to introduce Ang to that exercise when I get her onto the weight routine she's been asking about.

At 6:40 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

You are one in a million...good for you for being there for your clients...you have a great job!!

At 7:23 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

These are the kind of things that make folding 412 towels a shift worthwhile. I love the clients-especially like these who are making a good go at fitness. Way to go Commodore!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

See, this is why people like going to gyms. Awesome, way to go, Com!

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Chris said...

That sounds like an awesome job, Com. I love reading about how people are working out and reading about their improvements. You get to live them and be a part of the action. Maybe I'll have to think about a job in that field should I ever decide on a career change!


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