Saturday, June 11, 2005

Return to Normalcy

Have you ever moved out of the old neighborhood and come back to find that nothing, refreshingly has changed much. I had that experience this morning at upon my return to the Scottsdale Running Company's group run.

I used to live in the heart of rich Scottsdale, the Beverly Hills of Arizona. Jenna Jameson lived right around the block. (Ahhhhh no, no link that her website, sorry guys, I try to keep it clean for the ladies) When we moved, the thing I missed the most (other than running into Rick Schoeder at the multiplex and chatting before matiness-he must of thought I stole his day planner because for several months we had the same movie theatre schedule) was moving away from my running group. I still shop the store, I am completely loyal but I didn't have it in me to drive for the runs.

Going back today was really fun, except for the 35 minute drive. I saw several old faces and some new employees. But I have a good reputation there so it was easy to meet people. It was a small group for Saturday, the San Diego Marathon was last weekend so about 15 people did that, plus a triathlon was going on in Tempe. It was a 750 meter swim and I didn't think I had that in me that why I didn't do it.

I set into the six mile group which was to be a 9:00 pace. Mark Yost a young stud who I met at SRC three years ago, who BTW cruises at a below 6:00 pace for hours was leading. It was pretty loose and before you know it he and I have blown through two miles in just under 15 minutes. Whoah there Nelly. So we slow it back down and the rest gaggle up and we hit the turn around with a few others.

I was draggging at such a quick pace going out but around 4 miles my stride smoothed out and breathing came down and things just went well. We lost the rest of the group, they bowed out on us, and we came in at 51 minutes, which turns out to be around 8:30 pace.

I was really happy that I had such a good run but a bit upset with myself for plowing out way ahead of pace. My long course races leading to IMFL I am going to pace out at 10 minute miles which is my time hack I am shooting for in the Ironman. But here we go, I am typing this and my Competitive Mind is telling me, "Buddy, I am doing 4 hour marathons and no more." Thats a 9:09 pace BTW. So obviously I have to sync my Competitive Mind with my Vision Mind.

But the boy is down for the morning nap as is Mistress so I am running out to catch a matinee of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Later.


At 12:58 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

I love this post - visual mind and competitive my split personalities are going to have split personalities if I adopt this one...but it's very cool anyway.

I want to run Chicago in four hours - Originally I wanted 4:30, but I have some making up to do for the cramp fest 5:34 earned last week.

I can't wait to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith, either, btw. No spoilers, hmm? But excited to hear your review!

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Well I didn't make the movie. Instead I won't believe this...cleaned the house, folded laundry and did the weekly shopping while Mistress and Mighty Mo took naps.


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