Saturday, April 02, 2005

Forced Recovery

This weekend I am forced to be a couch potato. I spent many years in the infantry and mostly got around on my LPC's (Leather Personnel Carriers, i.e. Boots). As any grunt will tell you the feet take a beating seldom seen my normal people. Hamburger is a common reference. That was many years ago but those injuries and issues still exsist.

So every few weeks or months I go to the doctor for a check up and if need be a tune up. Well the tune up has left me unable to swim, bike or run till at least Monday. Mistress Carol is used to seeing me hobble around like an old man and deal with the treatment and the pain and is very sympathetic. So yesterday was spent mostly on the couch and today as well.

I love movies and will go see Sin City today instead of the 12 miler I was considering. I love movies as much as I love fitness. I have a book that I write down every movie I watch with the date I watched it. I have had it for years. Doesn't matter if its cinema, dvd or tv. Before my son was born I averaged one movie a day. Yeah I workout too, I just don't sleep much.

But there is always a serious drought in movies between January and May and then again in September and October. Plus I forgo movies for fitness, come on I have my priorities straight.

So this weekend, a movie, a couch, the Triathlon Training Bible, some Crystal Light Pink Lemonade, family time and rejuvenation, I can't wait. To bad I had to have doctors orders to do it.


At 3:59 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Enjoy your time off! You'll come back better for it.


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