Monday, March 28, 2005

Monday Redemption run

Well, I still wasn't feeling much better by lunch and compounded my day by leaving some files at home. At least I had my gym bag! So I decided to beat myself for the over-comsumption on Easter and bag an hour run.

The picture below is from the mid point of my purification. Its 'A' Mountain on the campus of Arizona State University, or officially the Hayden Butte. It rises 400 feet in a very short distance, a third of a mile at most. It is so steep that I actually had to lean back coming down least I pick up too much speed and barrel into a cactus or hit a rock. I did not stop except for those instances where it was impossible or hazardous to run and scramble.

In true fashion, I swallowed a bug minutes into the run and gagged the rest of the time on it. Then a guy lights up a smoke coming down the mountain and I had to get past him as soon as possible but was stuck on the single track at the top and it took way too long, like 45 seconds of second-hand.


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