Monday, March 21, 2005

A New Day Rises

Triathlon Day +1. After a great nights sleep I woke up to a sensation of being renewed. I have felt such moments only a very few times in my life. The day I could remember something after my head injury, the morning after completing my first marathon, the morning after my baptism, the day I graduated Officer Candidate School, the morning after my wedding night, watching the sun rise as my son was born. It's a bit melodramtic but illustrates the feelings I have at having accomplished something so significant to me.

How humbling to me to have seen the kids triathlon before my race started. Seven year olds being fearless in the water, standing in their seat the whole time and pedaling their heart out, then sprinting their little legs as fast as they could to finish. These kids didn't mark their splits, didn't wear HRM's or care a bit about what kind of bike they used. Many had to be reminded to take off their helmets for the run. A child doing at seven years old what took me 34 years to accomplish. Will they understand the signifigance they have made in their lives.

Mistress Carol is so great. As I backed into the driveway to unload my gear, she came out to greet me, give me a hug and kiss and ask dozens of questions about me first time experience. As we leaned over the bed of the truck talking, she glazed longlingly at the BP Stealth racked in the bed. She asked me if I felt like I made a wrong decision in getting a mountain bike first and not another road bike. As the wife of a fitness junkie, she told me that if I get into more races I should get a road bike. God she's great.

If I was an accountant do you think my wife would say to me, "Well honey since you liked that Actuary conference so much, why don't you go to the one in Duluth next month?" Hell no. But she's a triathlete, we have friend's who are professional triathletes, my living is based on fitness, she is a GOOD woman.


At 12:40 PM, Blogger :) said...

I think you got a good one. Better treat her right. My wife is the same way. She takes care of me endlessly with not much in return. Well, she does get to be married to me... :)


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Support is so great! And that's a pretty bike, btw. I can't believe you got so lucky to get it as a loaner.

What kind do you think you might invest in?

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

BP has a good range of tri bikes and road bikes. I really like their Stealth OCRR Tri bike. Tribe is now the only Cervelo dealer in Arizona now and Cervelo just signed an exclusive with Ironman, stay tuned...


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