Thursday, March 17, 2005

The long slow night

Let me be a bit transparent, I am in the fitness business. If your first thought after reading that sentence is that I am a paid athlete, God Bless You and every hair on your head. No I am a partner in a chain of health clubs. My primary responsiblity is to audit the systems my partners and I put in place. What I actually do day to day is in constant flux.

Last night I decided to 'shop' our eight clubs by going to each of them in the middle of the night and trying to get past the front desk for free or if I paid the guest fee in cash, making sure that the funds went on the books and not into their pockets. I didn't think any of our employees were stealing, this was a purely proactive investigation on my part to see what would happen. Of course I had to stick around and work out for a half hour to make it seem plausible and observe what happens in my clubs late at night; how the janitors cleaned, member traffic, etc. I did not use my real name, duh thats a bit obvious.

Enough! I am done justifying why I worked out all night! Here is what I did:
2315hrs- 30 minute stationary bike
0000hrs- 30 minute Chest and Triceps
0045hrs- 30 minute treadmill
0130hrs- 30 minute Back and Biceps
0215hrs- 30 minute Legs-ouch!
0300hrs- 30 minutes core exercises and stretching
0345hrs- 30 minutes of stationary bike
0430hrs- 30 minutes of swimming. Well 500 yards then the dry sauna.

I finished my final lap the very second I woke up 24 hours earlier.

Now I only have to follow my money trails, write my report and start contacting chain of commands. The one problem I foresee is that 90% of the time it is impossible for me to sleep when the sun is up. I can't even take naps! I hope the workouts beat me down enough for the impending ear plugs, eye cover and tylenol p.m. I am going to be taking very shortly.

If those don't work I will be going for a mountain bike ride for a couple hours. I think I have defeated symptoms of CMS (Common Man Syndrome) for the day...on many levels.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger White Salamander said...

One question. While performing your secret undercover op, did you load your mp3 player up with a variety of spy tunes? Such as "Secret Agent Man" or "Live and Let Die". Ha! only joking with of course. Hopefully your exploits will prove fruitful and you can use the info for the betterment of your club.

At any rate, you left the common man in the dust last night.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

I am so unable to use MP3's and download songs from the net. I may be a tri-geek but I am a MP3 Ludite.

I mostly listen to talk radio, (A.M. thank you for asking). It was a pleasant reminder that one of my national broadcast stations repeats daily shows at night, so I got to listen to the same hour of Michael Medved three different times in a twenty four period.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger :) said...

WOW, you are dedicated...I would have split that episode up into two different nights. That said, I must be lazy or something! That is a pretty cool workout are you going to do this every other night or what? Just kidding.

What a cool job that you are involved in the fitness industry. I will have to just live vicariously through you as I am in the un-fitness line of work: electrical engineering, where everyone is fat and out of shape!

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Defeated CMS for the day? How about the week - yeah, I think that's more accurate.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

glad you hung in there commodore. I'm glad my hanging in there is done for the day.


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