Thursday, October 25, 2007

Not next time, Next Year

Of course with the second biggest race in Phoenix this weekend, (#1 Ironman, #2 Soma) everybody asks if I am participating. Its not as hard as you think to say "No." Since June, when I took two months off of structured training and then in August when I started my base building, my eye has been firmly on my prize. 2008. The entire year.

Periodization. We have seen that word in the magazines and training manuals. For me the subject is generally glazed over. But I got tired of just training for my next race. For much of my life as a Fitness Enthusiast, I simply looked at what was next on the calendar and planned for that.

This year I tried a different approach. Instead of racing, recovery, rebuild, taper, racing, recovery rebuild, over and over again; I took the approach of long term thinking for the entire season. Will it work? I hope so.

That being said, I have a diverse schedule for next season. Almost like a new season of Heroes, it has some new races, some old races and some sacrifices. A villain returns for another battle. New locations, better sets but unfortunately there will be no trip to Europe, (a la Heroes opening of season 2 or Ross Gellers London wedding to Emily in the Friends finale of season 4 ). Oh well, Ironman UK is over rated.

I really haven't made a secret of the schedule for my next season of racing, at least locally. But honestly, with most tri-bloggers deep into the finishing touches of their fantastic year, most Ironman finishers than every before and more importantly more first time triathletes than every before, it feels counter-productive to post what I am trying to do next year when this year is not even over for most.

Lots of people have jumped on my back. I have been called a 'wuss' for not doing some local races this year, even though my training plan has me doing more volume than is needed for the event. I have been called a slacker, for not showing up for a 30 minute swim when instead I did a 3 hour bike or a two hour run. I have been called crazy for getting up at 0330 to get in a 30 mile ride before the club shows up and I join them for the scheduled 30 mile ride.

I am thinking long term this time. The foundation of the next dozen races has been laid over the summer and fall of this year. I'll let everything else speak for itself.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

I want to discuss this at length with you.
My 1 race 2007 has been disheartening at best. I need a new plan, I have some ideas, but still want to discuss

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

a) You are so not a wuss!!!!!!!!
b) It's a good crazy.
c) Eyes on the prize -- way to go!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

You know, it *is* physically possible to do events at training paces.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

You do exactly what you need to do. I admire you for sticking to your guns and training the way that you need to. Some people need to race frequently to keep them motivated, others do not. Keep doing what you are doing. I am excited to see your results next season.

At 6:20 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

How in the world does not doing local races make you a wuss? You're friends are funny. Point them out when I get there and I'll give them my special 21stCM treatment.

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

i think you are just more enlightened...

keep being you.

see you tonight!!!


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