Tuesday, August 28, 2007


My frustration level right now is really high. I want to write about how lawyers or people in the legal field feel they can write their frustrations down, doll it up with a couple of revised codes and legelese and think they can remove personal responsibility from the equation. Of course lawyers are great at placing blame on everyone but their client and when they are their own advocate well lets just throw up this great big wall of obfuscation.

That was so much cleaner than the first five times I wrote that paragraph. I think most lawyers that send me their demands think I will simply roll over, because you know, their big mean powerful lawyers and the little guy should be afraid of court. And of course they tell me, "In good faith if you don't respond in such and such a time, I will file papers..."When I send them responses that illustrates the ridiculousness of their position and finish with, "In good faith please respond by such and such a date, as to the acceptance of my offer or see you in court..." I don't get many responses back.


On to better things. Got in a good 90 minute trainer ride this morning. Finished up another season of Amazing Race which I DVR off the Game Show Network. They run an entire 13 episode season over two weeks. I love that show.

Mo has the stomach flu but we got him into the doctor fast enough to stop any advancement. He is back in school today.

Run tonight, hallelujah!


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Oh no, don't tell me you got one of those letters from NAS legal dept asking for removal of M-Dot tattoos.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Comm's, run it out!

Glad to hear Mo's flu hasn't progressed.

At 5:22 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

I tried that Amazing race show - all the infighting between couples (is that the same show?) really turned me off on it.

GL with the Lawyers, dude....

At 5:52 AM, Blogger Andy said...

I cannot wait to get my trainer this fall. I know that the rides might not be as productive as riding outdoors, but I will be getting more workouts in, and fewer excuses to complete my bike workouts. I hear you on the lawyer thing.

I volunteer for a non-profit corporation that owns some property, and we had a lawyer come after us for expenses that were incurred on the property before we even existed. He tried to intimidate me, and I did not even use a lawyer. I just mailed him copies of the deed transfer and our incorporation date, and never heard from him again.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

sorry about the troubles... may i refer you to an episode or two of How I Met Your Mother? if one of those don't make you feel better, nothing will.

except, maybe, a trip to hooters. not that i advocate that kind of behavior... but, i AM your friend. and sometimes, friends have to do what they can.


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