Friday, November 25, 2005

Stay on track

If the government on paper says every year its going to increase the budget for the study of low fat milks affect on cold cerel by 4.0% and does for several years, then one year only funds 3.5%, is that really a budget cut as some politicians say? I mean they did actually increase the budget.

I don't know why that comes to mind except that is the middle of the night and I am wide awake. I did not hydrate nearly enough during the day and after 4 mamosa's and a light turkey dinner, I had a raging headache. I popped two perocet and crashed by eight o'clock. I didn't even get to eat any pie. At eleven I am up and watching poker for two hours, ironing clothes, counting backwards, until finally I am drawn to the computer.

I rescheduled my Tuesday long run, 19 miles, for today, to get past the triathlon, but now think I will drop that to 10 miles. First, I am up in the middle of the night which means I will be beat all morning and mid day from lack of quality sleep. Second, I am still not hydrated enough from yesterday. Third, solid training advice says if you miss a key weekly run, don't stress over it, remain consistant with base builders and keep the schedule. Fourth, I read a text message after my tri that in the 1st Annual Employee Flag Football Turkey Bowl the Trainers beat the Consultants 51-0. I will be hearing a lot of bragging tomorrow that will crunch my time and make me feel rushed.

So ten today and six or so on Sunday after the swim will surfice and then next week is the beginning of my back to back 15-20-15-20 runs.

UPDATE: 8:05 am. Well I never made it back to sleep last night. I kept delaying the ultimate sleep legal sleep agent, Tylenol PM, until it was too late take it without sleeping till noon. I have that all to familiar wake but internally jittery from lack of sleep. Ten years ago this would have not slowed my training or recovery but today I am bagging my run to preserve my ride with IronBenny tomorrow and my Sunday swim/run.


At 11:47 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Brothers is all I can say. I was up till 4:30 the night before Thanksgiving... but then I live for Thanksgiving. I have a hard time sleeping when I am psyched about something. You were still probably riding the high of a great race... after a long time without any race for that matter!

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow, sorry to hear about the sleep and hydration problems.

That will teach you not to eat your pie!


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