Monday, April 11, 2005

Lost in the confusion

With all the doings around the Arizona Ironman I failed to mention that I had a great workout on Friday. One hour run, which could have easily been two hours and a 600 yard swim.

I know, I know, ya'll do 600 yards for warm ups. But for me it was good. I have been taken to task by Mistress Carol about my form and by the time I get through my required drills I am in neuro-muscular failure. I got through everything fine and didn't do the breast stroke once or the dreaded 'survival stroke'. I did incorporate a mid-stroke push off on the wall which really helped, instead of my normal "touch wall-stop swimming-turn around-push off wall". I guess its in between an ugly flip turn and what I just mentioned. The Mistress did not see that yet so that might be exnayed on our next "date".

So back to my strength, the run. It was about 90 degrees, luckily I ditched a liter of H2O a mile out because it was hot and I needed it on the turn around. Two problems that I am kicking myself for. One, I noticed the battery light was flashing on my arm radio so I tucked a AAA in my water belt, it eventually went out and I smuggly retrieved the AAA only to realize upon opening the the case-it takes two AAA. Well I hotseat an old battery with the new and each time the radio died I just kept switching out the older battery. Second, I did not bring Vaseline for my lips and they got mucho chappo. "Why not carry Chapstick, instead of greasy Vaseline, you think?" Good Question. The answer is that chapstick is a wax base and melts when it sits in a gym bag in a car that reaches 175 degrees. Vaseline though greasy and gets more greasy when hot will not ruin my bag or belt. Plus in emergancy's makes a great anti-chaff for hot spots that pop up during runs. Ever try rubbing chapstick on your inner thigh? Vaseline works much better and in a more sanitary way. Its multi-purpose. But still I did not have any on the run and that s-u-c-k-e-d.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger White Salamander said...

Although I find the visuals of you rubbing various kinds of ointments and lubricant on your thighs disturbing, thanks for advice!

I keep telling you to get an ipod. I will gladly show come over and show how to use one.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

ipod...tri bike...ipod...road bike...oh shoot taxes!

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Have you tried something called Body Glide? It actually works better than Vaseline, also doesn't melt and isn't greasy.

Might consider a switch unless you're into that greasy kind of thing, in which case, have fun with that...but it's good stuff, and comes in a convenient solid deoderant-looking applicator.

At 6:22 AM, Blogger soccerdad said...

wil's right. if you've never tried body glide, do so. it's great.
i'm with you when it comes to swimming. trust me, i have never been confused with michael phelps in the pool, and am certainly NOT someone that uses 600yds as a warmup! it's great that you have a coach, though!


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